Surprising Signs of Intelligence: 5 Indicators That You’re Smarter Than You Believe

3 min readMar 29, 2023


Discovering Unconventional Yet Convincing Signs of Intelligence: A Fascinating Exploration of How Certain Traits and Behaviors Indicate High Levels of Intellectual Aptitude

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Intelligence is often measured by traditional metrics such as IQ scores or academic achievements. However, these metrics may not always accurately reflect a person’s intelligence. In fact, there are several surprising signs that you may be smarter than you think. In this article, we’ll explore 5 indicators of intelligence that may surprise you.

You’re a night owl:

Research has shown that people who prefer to stay up late and sleep in may have higher levels of intelligence. A study published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences found that people with higher IQ scores were more likely to stay up late and wake up later.

This may be because people who stay up late have more time to engage in activities that stimulate their minds, such as reading or creative pursuits.

You have a great sense of humor:

Having a good sense of humor is often associated with intelligence. Studies have shown that people who are funny tend to score higher on tests of verbal intelligence.

This may be because humor requires the ability to recognize and understand subtle nuances in language and social situations. People who are skilled at humor are often able to make connections and see things from multiple perspectives, which are hallmarks of intelligence.

You’re curious and open-minded:

Curiosity and open-mindedness are also indicators of intelligence. People who are curious tend to have a thirst for knowledge and are always seeking to learn new things.

They also tend to be open-minded and receptive to new ideas and perspectives. This allows them to see the world in a more nuanced and complex way, which is a hallmark of intelligence.

You’re introspective:

People who are introspective tend to be more aware of their own thoughts and feelings. This self-awareness can be a sign of intelligence because it requires the ability to reflect on one’s own experiences and thought processes.

Introspective people tend to be more analytical and reflective, which are skills that are associated with higher levels of intelligence.

You have a good memory:

Having a good memory is often associated with intelligence. People who are able to remember large amounts of information tend to score higher on tests of intelligence.

This may be because memory requires the ability to process and store information in a way that allows it to be retrieved later. People with good memories tend to be more organized and analytical, which are skills that are associated with higher levels of intelligence.


Intelligence is a complex and multifaceted trait that can be difficult to measure. While traditional metrics such as IQ scores and academic achievements are often used to assess intelligence, there are several surprising signs that you may be smarter than you think.

These indicators include being a night owl, having a great sense of humor, being curious and open-minded, being introspective, and having a good memory. By recognizing these signs, you may gain a greater appreciation for your own intelligence and abilities.

