Revitalizing an Anti-Bullying Advocacy Mediary — UI

9 min readJan 7, 2020

A UI case study in brand and identity design for a prodigal organization

Business Goal:

Create an online platform and resource hub for anti-bully advocacy

User Goal:

Find information about and support anti-bullying advocacy in BC, Canada


With the passing of successful legislation against workplace harassment and bullying back in 2013(1), BullyFreeBC slipped into dormancy after being an active and recognized organization.

However, with recent anecdotal evidence building up BullyFreeBC now believes that the legislation is either ineffective or not being properly implemented.

BullyFreeBC approached my team to reinvent the brand in order for them to come back with vigor. BullyFreeBC plans to use this resurgence to validate if the legislation had or is having the right impact.

If the legislation has not been effective enough, then BullyFreeBC will leverage their new brand and identity to rebuild their movement for change.

My Role

UI Designer

The Team

UI designers:

  • Andrew Macdonald (me)




aka Ferret | Res & ProdDes with a penchant for being hopeful and passionate