1 min readApr 27, 2016


So what other scientific material should be censored on the chance that a child MIGHT be present and MIGHT be offended (would a child know to be offended) and someone MIGHT complain and expect something more than a mild apology — which they wouldn’t even be entitled to — over, exactly? Should we censor presentations about climate change in case they offend deniers? Should we censor presentations about blood in case they offend Jehovah’s Witnesses? Should we censor presentations about snakes or insects in case phobic people might trip through the presentation hall?

Where exactly do we draw the line when deciding which science presented in a straightforward and factual manner is dangerous to the general public?




Badass feminist praxis-maker. Black. Jew. I have ALL the feelings. If you don't mind, why don't you mind? Where is your sense of indignation?