[ Hunter Club X IUSCOIN Text AMA Recap ]

AMA Hunter Club
6 min readMay 28, 2024


Robart [ Founder of AMAHunterClub ]:

đź“Ś Today We are going to have an Text AMA Session With "IUSTITIA"

The Agenda of today's AMA:
1. Introduction Segment
2. Twitter Segment (5Q)

đź“ŤFew rules

➡️ Must Join Project Group :

➡️ Must Join our Channel :

💰Reward poll - 100$ IUS (Prepare your best questions and be ready to participate )

@IUS_coin Hello, Mate đź‘‹

Guest :
Hi, pleasure to meet you

Robart [ Founder of AMAHunterClub ]:
Welcome to our community, we are proud to have you here today 🎉

I'm pretty sure that our AMA participants are very much excited to learn more about IUSTITIA

So Without delay let's start our Today AMA

Are you ready

Guest :
Let go ahead please 🔥

Robart [ Founder of AMAHunterClub ]:
Okay, Don't forget type done after your all answer âś…

1st Segment : Introduction Questions

Q1. Could you describe us about your project "IUS Coin "? What is your project about and how it works?

Guest :
Sure, IUS coin is the green evolution of BTC but much better, much smarter and much faster…because it does not require energy to mine it

In other words, Iustitia is the Greek goddess of justice, known in our modern world as the lady of justice. The Greek Iustitia goddess represents moral excellence as her vision was to create a strong and active green community made by people and followed by people. This is what inspired our Iustitia coin (IUS), a cryptocurrency that will focus on:
-Achieving justice to our mother nature.
-Serve the environment to earn IUS coin - concept.
-A massive scale of green initiatives to be executed by people and IUS coin will be the reward.
-Decentralized and cannot be controlled by any entity.
From here emerged the Iustitia coin (IUS), to be fair to our mother nature, that is a green coin with zero emission, where no energy is required to mine the coin as it is 100% pre-mined through using green energy. All transactions will be verified by using insignificant power. The coin will support the green initiatives around the globe, fulfilling the impartiality in our vision. Iustitia coin (IUS) will model justice, uprightness, equity and impartiality.


Robart [ Founder of AMAHunterClub ]:
Q2. What is the main motivation behind project to start?
And tell us about your vision also?

Guest :
It’s very clear to all of us that behind a strong and motivating project there’s gat to be a positive aim that’s keeping the team going

Incase if our IUS coin, Fast, Smart, Secured and Green payment that rewards green initiatives, that will solve all the emission behind Crypto mining and fiat / cash printing. This is our motive
Our vision is to create environmentally aware generations, and to become the #1 global Coin that rewards users on green initiatives.

our goals are Building environmentally aware generation
-Collaborate with NGO for greener future
-Reward users on Green initiative
-Create a strong and active green community
-Can be obtained only through green / environmental initiatives.
-To be used as digital currency for daily usage

We do sell our coin and we are currently offering it for free against green initiatives.
You can know more by checking our whitepaper and following us n Telegram and Twitter

Done âś…

Robart [ Founder of AMAHunterClub ]:
Q3. What is the role of Coin in your ecosystem? Could you tell us a bit about the coinecomics of your project?

Guest :
The major role of the project is to make. #1 green project that is capable of rewarding green initiatives with no carbon emissions

IUS is a cryptocurrency that operates on its own open source blockchain with zero emission. We provide a cutting-edge and straightforward infrastructure for future payments, eliminating the need for banks, governments, or any other type of mediator or controller to manage any transactions. With virtually no transaction fees, IUS offers an attractive environment for all sorts of financial transactions.

Transactions can be verified at lightning speed, making IUS one of the most advanced, green, eco-friendly, secure, and fast payment systems available.

Done âś…

Robart [ Founder of AMAHunterClub ]:
Q4. Partners play an important role in the development of the project. Do you have any strategic partnerships that are backing ''IUS Coin'' project?

Guest :
Partnership is a very important thing in every line of business as regards to the fact that it’s aids winning on both sides of the team.

We are working with NGOs and green communities to promote environmentalism and green technologies. We are open to partnering with any platform or organization that can use our coin for everyday transactions, which will give us access to a wider community.

Done âś…

Robart [ Founder of AMAHunterClub ]:
Q5. The value of a cryptocurrency is constantly changing. What will be the strategies for IUSTITIA Coin to maintain an uptrend value? How will they maintain a balance between supply and demand? What will allow them to avoid IUSTITIA Coin's volatility as much as possible?

Guest :
With its lightning-fast verification speed and zero emissions, IUS is one of the most advanced, secure, and fast payment systems available. This makes IUS coin a desirable currency for everyday transactions, offering peer-to-peer transactions with a price that is determined by supply and demand. Unlike fiat currencies such as the US Dollar and Euro, or even cryptocurrencies, IUS Coin is a decentralized currency, meaning no one can control or predict its price. Recent fluctuations in the value of the Euro and Pound Sterling demonstrate that no one can guarantee the price of any currency, commodity, or asset. Ultimately, the community will determine the value of IUS Coin, as with all other commodities such as sugar, wheat, and oil.
Our only option is to burn coins to control the price.

Done âś…

Robart [ Founder of AMAHunterClub ]:
Thanks for answering all the Questions, Let's move to our last segment live community Questions

Q1. What is the role of token in the ecosystem? Where can people currently buy it...? What would be its used...?

Guest :
IUS can be used for everyday transactions and it’s required no energy and virtually zero fees and no carbon emissions

Done âś…

Robart [ Founder of AMAHunterClub ]:
Q2. Is your project a community only for English speaking countries. Or for users not for others languages? Do you have any community for non-English speaking users too?

Guest :
The project is not only for English speaking countries, as there is our website that supports more than 30 different international languages

So, if there’s a user that can’t speak English….IUS gat you covered

Done âś…

Robart [ Founder of AMAHunterClub ]:
Q3. Do you have any plans to attract non-crypto investors to your project Because it is the success of a project to get more investors who are still not in the crypto world. What are the plans to increase awareness around your in non-crypto space?

Guest :
With its lightning-fast verification speed and zero emissions, IUS is one of the most advanced, secure, and fast payment systems available.

Done âś…

Robart [ Founder of AMAHunterClub ]:
Q4. Almost 80% investors have just focused on price of token in short term instead of understanding the real value of the project. Can you tell us on motivations and benefits for investors to hold your token in long term?

Guest :
IUS is kinda of Gem that has long value as we are trying all our possibles best to make sure that the project shoot beyond the moon.

We are pushing to get listed on a more reputable exchange by second quarter of this year and it’s will happen pretty soon


Robart [ Founder of AMAHunterClub ]:
Q5.Staking programme is very important for any project? Can i stake your token and Do you have any plan of starting staking programme?

Guest :
Staking is currently not available but it’s will be available pretty soon

We’ll make announcement about it once we are about to start the program


Robart [ Founder of AMAHunterClub ]:
Thanks for answering all the Questions

Now please share all social media links before leave

Guest :
Please visit iustitiacoin.org for all social media handles

Robart [ Founder of AMAHunterClub ]:
Everyone must join this project

Guest :
And you can as well join our official telegram for more update and questions about the project

Thanks everyone

Robart [ Founder of AMAHunterClub ]:
Best wish for iustitiacoin

Thanks, Have a good day

Thanks for joining our today AMA, guys


