Business Loan Calculator: The Best tool for Business Financial Planning

1 min readJan 21, 2023


Some banks and NBFCs let you apply for a Business loan online, while also allowing you to use their online Business loan calculator. It’s an important tool because it gives you a clear idea of your business financial standing and lets you plan accordingly.

Read on to know the benefits of using a business loan calculator before you apply.

Once you’ve decided the loan amount, your next job is to determine how much EMI you’re liable to pay every month. Knowing the EMI amount beforehand will help you plan your finances better.
For example, if you absolutely can’t help but take a high loan amount, then it becomes all the more necessary to determine the EMI payments.

A business loan calculator will help you do so, which will in turn allow you to save up a little and curtail additional interest charges before the loan tenure sets in.

