Frontend Technologies : React vs Qwik

Amal Salam
3 min readJun 29, 2024


Frontend development entails the creation and design of interactive and visually appealing aspects of a web application or site which should be user friendly & functionally efficient.

As frontend developers we work with various tools and technologies that serve to streamline our work, two of such technologies are the frameworks : React & Qwik. Today we explore each frameworks features, strengths and differences to help decide which might be best for your projects.

Thumbnail image from a Youtube Video by Garaje de Ideas

React: Component-Based UIs

React can be considered a veteran in the framework game, created by Facebook and widely renowned for crafting dynamic and interactive applications, elevating UI/UX for web and mobile platforms. React is a framework that uses a component-oriented architecture to simplify code debugging. Some of it’s features includes:

  • Component-Based Architecture: Break down complex UIs into reusable, manageable components.
  • JSX Syntax: Write intuitive code that blends HTML-like structures with JavaScript logic.
  • Virtual DOM: Optimize rendering by minimizing unnecessary DOM updates, leading to smoother performance.
  • Rich Ecosystem: Due to it’s longevity ,it has amassed a massive library of third-party tools and components to supercharge your development.

Qwik: Built for Speed

Qwik is a newer framework which emphasizes server-side rendering to rapidly increase loading speed and user experience. Qwik shines when performance is paramount. It has gained popularity for having an easy learning curve and modular architecture which allows for easy integration of external libraries and customization. Some characteristics include:

  • Zero Loading: For websites where first impressions matter, Qwik’s lightning-fast initial load times can significantly improve user experience.
  • Single-Page Applications (SPAs): Qwik’s minimal client-side JavaScript footprint makes it ideal for SPAs that need to feel responsive and snappy.
  • Small Bundle Size: Qwik apps typically have smaller bundle sizes than some other frameworks, which can help with speedier download times, particularly on networks with low bandwidth or mobile devices.

React vs Qwik Comparison

Performance- Qwik generally boasts faster performance due to its minimal client-side JavaScript. This is especially beneficial for initial page load times.

Ecosystem- React has a vastly larger ecosystem of third-party libraries and tools than Qwik . Qwik’s ecosystem is growing rapidly, but still smaller as it is a newer technology.

Learning Curve- React is easier for beginners to learn because it has a larger community and more resources. Although Qwik is a more recent tool with a smaller community, experienced React developers can rapidly become proficient with it due to its similar syntax.

Which do you choose?

This might be a cliche answer but it really depends on which best suits your projects needs, so -

Use React if:
◘ You need a vast ecosystem of libraries and tools.
◘ Your project is complex with many features.
◘ Your team has experience with React and wants to leverage its established practices.

Use Qwik if:
◘ Performance is your top concern, especially for initial page loads.
◘ You’re building a new project and open to exploring a modern framework.
◘ Your team is comfortable with React-like syntax and wants to try a more efficient approach.

HNG Internship.

My interest in this topic was kickstarted by a task on the HNG internship program. In the frontend track of this program the primary framework is React known for it’s component oriented architecture. In line with previous cohorts of this internship, During my time in HNG ,i look forward to creating scalable and well maintained web applications via HNG’s intensive project based structure to upskill myself rapidly. HNG internship is free for all but you are encouraged to have foundational knowledge as it not a program catered towards absolute beginners, there is a premium version for a very small fee- HNG Premium- which has boundless benefits and opportunities for it’s participants. Check out HNG Internship to find out more about the program. The challenge might seem daunting to some but taking small steps lead to victory.

