God’s Perfect Timing

3 min readJun 27, 2017


Because it doesn’t seem perfect in the moment all the time…

I’ve been reading this book called “Wait and See” by Wendy Pope (10/10 would recommend). It’s been teaching me a lot on waiting seasons, being patient and just life stuff in general. The biggest thing for me though when it came to learning from this book was God’s timing.

God’s timing looks a lot like a whole lot of us not knowing what to do a lot of the time or waiting for the clouds to open up and God talk directly to us. Not saying that that couldn’t happen but it’s more likely he’ll talk to you through actions rather than words. We serve a God who is more of a doer than a talker I noticed. We are called to live a life different from everyone else, and we need to show that through our actions.

In this day and age we have two day shipping, same day repair, instant downloads, etc. So you can say we are learning how to speed the process of things rather than be patient. When we want something or need something, we want and need it right now. God doesn’t work instantly all the time. Obviously. The guy puts us in waiting for a lot of things. But it is what we do with that waiting that helps to change us.

For example: I’m single, it’s great, sometimes it sucks because it feels like everyone on Facebook is getting engaged or already married and having kids (That Christian life tho). But this is a time where God has given me the opportunity to just constantly serve Him and spend time with him in order to make me the person he intends me to be. Of course I want to get into a relationship at some point, get married, have kids, yada yada yada; BUT right now isn’t the time for that. And I’m pretty thankful the longer I’ve been in this waiting season. I have all the time in the world for that stuff, heck I’m only 20.

Waiting on God’s perfect timing is almost like waiting for the next Star Wars film to come out. Stay with me. We all know that Star Wars (except episodes 1–3, sorry) has been pretty great. People prepare for what’s going to happen next whether that’s researching who the cast is, loading up on fan gear or just preordering tickets. Either way you are preparing yourself for that 2 hour and 30 minute awesomeness awaiting you…

Life and God’s plan is kind of the same way. We need to prepare for what is to come in order to enjoy it in all it’s fullness. The anticipation builds and we just wonder, “can things just happen already?!” but when one tries to speed up the process, you can end up getting hurt or end up realizing what you thought you wanted isn’t something you actually wanted.

God is constantly there to protect us and especially our hearts. When we can’t, he does everything in his power to do that work for us. Reason for his timing on a lot of things. A lot of times I look back at the hard stuff that I had to go through and just laugh because I saw how God made everything work out for me even though it felt like the world was over and that season was never going to end. But it helped me to be wiser with protecting my heart.

So, moral of the story: it sucks to be patient and the world tells us instant everything is better… but we were called to more than that. We were called to look more like Jesus.




Just trying to do all the fun things and serve the man above.