Psychosomatic meditation as a tool for doctors and psychologists

Amalia Fritz
2 min readApr 29, 2024

Today I propose to examine a topic that is still shrouded in esoteric fog in Russia — meditation. In the article I will provide links to interesting scientific studies, including one of the latest, proving the effect of meditation on afferent synthesis 1 .

What is meditation?

Meditation is the practice of conscious observation, which also has a relaxing effect on the human body as a whole. Today there are a large number of different types of meditation, but we will analyze specifically psychological and psychosomatic directions.

Clinical studies 2 show the high effectiveness of meditation for a variety of conditions. For example, meditation as a tool for a psychologist is used for:

  • increased anxiety
  • decreased resistance to stress
  • obsessive thoughts
  • emotional lability
  • depressive disorders
  • etc.

Psychosomatic Meditations 3 are also used for all of the above conditions, but also have an effect on:

  • condition of the body, accelerate its recovery in various pathologies
  • stabilization of hormonal levels
  • reducing pain intensity (pain management)
  • increase immune defense (both by reducing cortisol levels and by activating immune cells)
  • restore the balance of…



Amalia Fritz

I love creative writing, story writing, content writing and would like to cover more on Psychology.