
Amalia St
2 min readJan 21, 2019


In 2015 United Nation decided to take action against global issues and created a community to find solutions in these problems that cover a great range of topics, such as education, inequality, food waste, climate change etc. Many great goals that UN hope to achieve until 2030 have been proposed and our team chose goal №10: Reduced Inequalities. In the beginning of our project we thought that goal №14: Life bellow water would be something that we would be able to help more, but facing some difficulties to make our ideas happen we came down to the conclusion of helping people that are in need when it comes to inequality.

We believe that reducing inequalities in our world and for every aspect of our lives is such an important matter. Starting from our little community in Greece we observed how people with disabilities and viewing problems are not treated in a proper way and we decided that it is time for a change. Visually impaired people and people with moving disabilities have to make an extra effort in order to move around our city and this is happening mainly for two reasons. First of all because suitable structures are not available everywhere and secondly- but most importantly- because other citizens do not respect their special needs. An example that confirms these facts is the recent burst of a father of a disable person for the way the another young man didn’t respect the needs of his son.

Realizing how big of a problem it is our team thought that we can work this problem out and find some ways to raise awareness for the people that need it the most. But we won’t stop there. We think that the best way to deal with a problem is by putting the ones that create or make it grow in the shoes of the ones in need in order to learn to respect them in a much more efficient way.

Betty Tsakarestou Eleni Georgiou Andromache Efstathiou eddy Michailidis

