15 Fat Burning Foods For Men

Aman Pawar 18
6 min readJul 25, 2020



Hey there readers! Although you may have been told over and over how easy it is for men to fat/lose weight it’s not! You’ve probably heard things like; just take this pill, buy this piece of equipment or follow this diet, and everything will melt away like magic.

Yet, weight loss remains a struggle for millions of men. But the good news is that there are some foods that can help your body burn more calories, give you a boost of energy and keep you feeling full longer for maximum efficiency.

You can lose weight faster by including these fat-burning foods in your regular diet. And in today’s article, we will tell you about the best fat burning foods for men. From fish, eggs, apple, celery to cacao, and more, read till the end to learn about all of them.

1. Fatty Fish:

Most people don’t eat enough fatty fish. But, fish especially varieties like salmon, mackerel, and sardines are packed full of protein as well as heart-healthy OMEGA-3 fatty acids. Protein is the most satiating macro-nutrient, and it also has a higher thermic effect of food or TEF than either carbohydrates or fats.

In other words, not only you will feel more full when eating a high-protein diet. Your body also burns more calories digesting the food you eat. Research shows that individuals consuming fish oil supplements can lose more weight and experience lower cortisol levels than individuals who do not use fish oil supplements.

I will link some of the best fish oil supplements which even I use.

For India

Wow — https://amzn.to/2E4yhMg

StBotanica — https://amzn.to/30EvRvC

For Outside India

MuscleTech — https://amzn.to/3jzdEYP

Wild Alaskan Fish Oil — https://amzn.to/2CYFBZv

2. Chilli Pepper:

Chilli peppers are famous for their spiciness. As you may have likely experienced, when you eat a lot of spicy food, your body begins to sweat. This is because chilli peppers are rich in capsaicin known to stimulate thermogenesis and boost metabolism.

A review found that capsaicin helps reduce appetite and may increase energy expenditure by 50 calories per day. Furthermore, chili peppers may also help support fat loss by promoting fullness and preventing overeating.

Enjoying this list so far? Well, keep reading because there’s a lot of more good stuff coming up, but before moving on, don’t forget to subscribe for more amazing articles like this.

3. Avocados

Avocado is high in healthy polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, which promote satiety(the feeling or state of being sated). (Sated — satisfy a desire or an appetite to the full).

A study found that adding half an avocado at lunch may help overweight people feel more satisfied and reduce their desire to eat in the hours following a meal. Since avocado is an anti-inflammatory food, it may have a secondary effect.

Inflammation can definitely interfere with a lot of different things in your body, including metabolism. If you’re trying to lose weight, be mindful of portion sizes. One-quarter of an avocado has 80 calories and 8 grams of fat.

4. Eggs:

Eggs are not only low in calories but because they’re an excellent source of protein and some healthy fat. They stave off hunger. They’re also a good source of B vitamins, which have been shown to boost metabolism. B vitamins help convert the foods you eat into energy, so they help with processing those calories better and using them for energy.

Research published looked at overweight and obese adults over eight weeks. They were divided into 2 groups. One of these groups ate two eggs for at least five days a week for breakfast and the other group consumed the same amount of calories but ate bagels.

The egg eaters lost 65 percent more body weight, 16 percent more body fat, had a 61 percent greater reduction in body mass index or BMI, and a 34 percent greater reduction in waist circumference.

5. Apple:

Apples are high in fiber and eating just one can give you a feeling of fullness. A big apple contains nearly five grams of fiber.

Apples are also abundant in pectin, which has been shown to double the time it takes for the stomach to empty when compared to other fiber.

In short, it keeps you feeling fuller for longer. Pectin restricts fat absorption by the cells, thereby helping the cells to remove fat. Apples also have certain polyphenols that activate the fat burning genes, delivering a double whammy to your stubborn fat deposits.

Apples are also high in antioxidants that improve oxidation in your body, which depletes fat deposits further.

6. Cacao:

Cocoa and cacao have the same plant origins, but the difference between the two is a little more than a slight spelling variation. Cacao is simply the raw fruit of the plant. This is one of the best fat-burning foods out there.

Once the seed is roasted, it becomes cocoa. In its raw form, cacao is a treasure trove of nutrition. It is as close as to being fat-burning magic if ever one existed. For starters, cacao contains antioxidants called polyphenols, which may help with treating obesity.

A study demonstrated that mice fed on cocoa had lower levels of plasma insulin. They also had lower levels of inflammatory indicators and diabetes.

Many other studies have shown that cocoa exhibits high antioxidant activity and improves insulin sensitivity. This all adds up to a leaner, happier you.

7. Yogurt:

With it being low in both fat and calories, yogurt is the ideal food to add to your diet if you’re hoping to lose weight. It can help improve your digestive health, and combat against bloating and excessive gas through the probiotics it contains.

A recent study revealed just how good yogurt is for blitzing belly fat. The results reported that participants who ate 18 ounces(500 grams) of yogurt per day lost, on average, 81 percent more belly fat compared to those who opted to diet without eating yogurt.

It’s also a great source for vitamins and minerals too, with zinc, iodine, potassium, and vitamin B5 all active within yogurt.

8. Flax Seeds:

Introducing flax seeds into your diet is one effective way of shedding those unwanted pounds. The monounsaturated fats found in flax seeds help to bring down body fat and lower cholesterol levels.

Flax seeds are not only a must for anyone looking to get a flat belly, but also for anyone who suffers from frequent bloating. With high levels of fiber, the seeds will keep your digestive system in good health and reduce bloated feelings.

You don’t like flax seeds? No problem, in market flax seeds oil ( in the form of capsule) is available. Now, where to buy? Don’t worry, I will link the best flax seeds oil capsules and flax seeds below.

For India

Flax seeds oil (capsules) — https://amzn.to/30E77n5

Flax seeds — https://amzn.to/3eRxURW

For Outside India

Flax seeds oil (capsules) — https://amzn.to/3eT1kPu

Flax seeds — https://amzn.to/32OfFdM

If you want to know the other 7 fat burning foods for men then visit — 15 Fat Burning Foods For Men



Aman Pawar 18

I have done diploma in diet planning and nutrition. I am also a professional National Level Badminton Player. I have won Sliver medal in Student Olympics.