Arduino Project With Just An Active Buzzer

Jack Martin
2 min readApr 14, 2023


In my previous post I shared how to build a simple project with an active buzzer and push down button. But I’ve a question: can we build a simpler project, one which just uses the buzzer? The answer is yes.

Photo by Daniel Andrade on Unsplash

Project Overview
In this project we are going to make the buzzer ring, wait for 1 second, switch off the buzzer, wait for 1 second, make the buzzer ring again and the cycle continues.

Components Required

  1. Arduino
  2. Active buzzer
  3. Jumper cables
  4. Bread board

Circuit Diagram

There is not much to explain in this diagram. The +ve of the buzzer is connected to pin 13 (purple) and the -ve (yellow) is connected to the GND of the Arduino.


int buzzerPin = 13;

void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:

void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

Note: The sound of the active buzzer is really annoying. I dare you to sit for 5 minutes straight hearing it ringing.

