Day 27 of 50 Days of React: Radio and Checkbox Component of MUI in React.

Aman Khan
2 min readAug 18, 2022


Hi, Dev’s👋🏻, Let’s see How to use the Button and Button Group Component of MUI in React?


Checkboxes allow the user to select one or more items from a set.

Checkboxes can be used to turn an option on or off.

If you have multiple options appearing in a list, you can preserve space by using checkboxes instead of on/off switches. If you have a single option, avoid using a checkbox and use an on/off switch instead.

import * as React from 'react';
import Checkbox from '
const label = { inputProps: { 'aria-label': 'Checkbox demo' } };export default function Checkboxes() {
return (
<Checkbox {...label} defaultChecked />
<Checkbox {...label} />
<Checkbox {...label} disabled />
<Checkbox {...label} disabled checked />


Radio buttons allow the user to select one option from a set.

Use radio buttons when the user needs to see all available options. If available options can be collapsed, consider using a Select component because it uses less space.

Radio buttons should have the most commonly used option selected by default.

import * as React from 'react';
import Radio from '
import RadioGroup from '
import FormControlLabel from '
import FormControl from '
import FormLabel from '
export default function RadioButtonsGroup() {
return (
<FormLabel id="demo-radio-buttons-group-label">Gender</FormLabel>
<FormControlLabel value="female" control={<Radio />} label="Female" />
<FormControlLabel value="male" control={<Radio />} label="Male" />
<FormControlLabel value="other" control={<Radio />} label="Other" />

In the Next Article, I will be writing about How to use Rating and Select of MUI in React🤔?

That’s all for Today, Stay Tuned and I will see you in the next one👋🏻.

Thanks for Following and Claps😋



Aman Khan

Blockchain and Web3 Engineer Crafting compelling stories at the intersection of tech, business, and culture.