TechSpace: What is Perl?

Aman Khan
1 min readJul 19, 2022


Pearl🦪 is a Dynamic Interpreted Scripting language famous for its powerful text📃 processing abilities. It was developed in 1987 by Larry wall a linguist who designed it to feel more like a human language than a computer💻 language.

When someone says Pearl they’re usually talking about version 5. There was version 6 under development🧱 but it evolved into another language called Raku.

It is most commonly used to write CGI scripts that allow web servers🖥 to communicate with external programs👩🏻‍💻. Its powerful string parsing abilities have made it the language of choice on high-traffic🚦 sites like DuckDuckGo, and Craigslist.

Syntactically it resembles C but is far more compressed allowing developers👬 to write very tourist code like one-liners that hack together a solution much quicker than other scripting languages like python🐍.

It contains a large collection of language Primitives and a ton of shortcuts🛣 for getting things done quickly you may find it ugly💩 and awkward but system administrators love it because it gets the job done.

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Aman Khan

Blockchain and Web3 Engineer Crafting compelling stories at the intersection of tech, business, and culture.