Demystifying Loss Functions in Deep Learning: Understanding the Key Metrics for Model Optimization

What is loss function?

8 min readMay 24, 2023

In machine learning, a loss function, is a measure of how well a machine learning model is performing. It quantifies the discrepancy between the predicted output of the model and the true or expected output.

The goal of a machine learning algorithm is to minimize the loss function, as a lower loss indicates better performance and a closer approximation to the desired output. By optimizing the loss function, the model adjusts its parameters or weights to improve its predictions.

Choosing an appropriate loss function depends on the specific problem and the desired behavior of the model. It is crucial to select a loss function that aligns with the objectives of the task and the nature of the data.

Difference between Loss function and Cost function.

Loss Function:

A loss function is a mathematical function that measures the error or discrepancy between the predicted output of a machine learning model and the actual target output. It quantifies how well the model is performing on a single training example. The goal is to minimize the value of the loss function, indicating a better fit of the model to the data.

Loss function is error calculated for single training data whereas cost function is the average of loss function.

Cost Function:

A cost function, also known as an objective function, is the average of the loss functions over the entire training dataset. It measures the overall performance of the model by considering the average loss across all training examples. The cost function is used during the training process to optimize the model’s parameters.

What is the use of Loss Function in Deep Learning?

A neural network takes input data, combines it with adjustable weights and biases, processes it through activation functions, makes predictions, calculates the loss, adjusts the weights and biases, and repeats this process for multiple epochs to minimize the loss and improve its predictive capabilities.

Different Kinds of Loss function used in Deep Learning.

Different Kinds of Loss function used in Deep Learning

Regression Loss:

  • Mean Squared Error (MSE): Measures the average squared difference between the predicted and target values.
  • Mean Absolute Error (MAE): Calculates the average absolute difference between the predicted and target values.
  • Huber Loss: Combines MSE and MAE, providing a robust loss function that is less sensitive to outliers.

Classification Loss:

  • Binary Cross-Entropy: Used in binary classification tasks, it measures the dissimilarity between predicted and target probability distributions.
  • Categorical Cross-Entropy: Suitable for multi-class classification, it quantifies the difference between predicted and target probability distributions.

AutoEncoder Loss:

  • KL Divergence: Often used in variational autoencoders, it measures the difference between the predicted and target probability distributions.

GAN Loss:

  • Discriminator Loss: Determines the difference between the predicted and target outputs of the discriminator in a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN).
  • Minmax GAN Loss: Used to train the generator and discriminator in a GAN by minimizing the difference between their predictions.

Object Detection Loss:

  • Focal Loss: Designed to address the class imbalance issue in object detection, it assigns higher weights to difficult examples.

Word Embeddings Loss:

  • Triplet Loss: Commonly used in word embeddings, it ensures that similar words are closer in the embedding space while dissimilar words are farther apart.

In this article, we will delve into regression and classification loss functions, providing an in-depth understanding of their mathematical formulations, advantages, and use cases.

Regression Loss

Mean Squared Error/Squared Loss/L2 Loss:

The Mean Squared Error (MSE) is a widely used and straightforward loss function for regression tasks. It measures the average squared difference between the predicted values and the actual values in the dataset. The formula for MSE is as follows:


  1. Easy to interpret: The MSE provides a clear measure of the average squared difference between the predictions and the actual values, allowing for easy understanding and comparison.
  2. Always differential: The squaring operation ensures that the loss function is always differentiable, which is essential for optimizing the model parameters using gradient-based methods.
  3. Only one local minima: MSE has a unique global minimum, making it easier to train the model and converge to an optimal solution.


  1. Error unit in the square: The unit of error in the MSE is squared, which may not be intuitive to interpret in real-world scenarios. It can lead to difficulties in understanding the magnitude of the error.
  2. Not robust to outliers: MSE assigns high importance to large errors due to the squaring operation, making it sensitive to outliers in the dataset. Outliers can disproportionately influence the loss and impact the model’s performance.

Note: In regression tasks, it is common to use a linear activation function in the output neuron to directly predict the continuous target variable.

Mean Absolute Error/L1 Loss:

The Mean Absolute Error (MAE) is another commonly used loss function for regression tasks. It measures the average absolute difference between the predicted values and the actual values in the dataset. The formula for MAE is as follows:


  1. Intuitive and easy to understand: MAE provides a straightforward measure of the average absolute difference between the predictions and the actual values, making it easy to interpret.
  2. Error unit same as the output column: Unlike MSE, the unit of error in MAE is the same as the output variable, which allows for a more intuitive interpretation of the error.
  3. Robust to outliers: MAE is less sensitive to outliers in the dataset compared to MSE. It assigns equal importance to all errors, making it more robust in the presence of extreme values.


  1. Graph not differential: MAE is not differentiable at zero, which poses challenges when directly applying gradient descent optimization. However, subgradient calculation methods can be used to address this issue.

Note: In regression tasks, a linear activation function is commonly used in the output neuron to directly predict the continuous target variable.

Huber Loss:

The Huber loss is a robust loss function that is commonly used in regression tasks, especially when dealing with datasets that contain outliers. It provides a balance between the Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Mean Squared Error (MSE) loss functions.


  1. Robust to outliers: The Huber loss is less sensitive to outliers compared to the squared error loss (MSE). It effectively reduces the impact of extreme values on the overall loss calculation, making it more suitable for datasets with outliers.
  2. Balanced approach: The Huber loss combines the characteristics of both MAE and MSE. It behaves like MSE for small errors, where it penalizes larger errors more severely. However, for large errors, it transitions to behave like MAE, where it penalizes errors linearly. This balance allows the model to handle both small and large errors effectively.


  1. Complexity: The Huber loss introduces an additional hyperparameter called δ, which determines the point where the loss function transitions from quadratic to linear. Optimizing this hyperparameter requires additional training requirements and can increase the complexity of the model.

Classification Loss

Binary Cross Entropy (Log Loss):

Binary Cross Entropy, also known as Log Loss, is a commonly used loss function in binary classification problems,such as predicting whether an email is spam or not spam, or whether a patient has a certain disease or not. It measures the dissimilarity between the predicted probabilities and the true binary labels.


  1. Intuitive interpretation: Binary Cross Entropy is straightforward to interpret. It quantifies the difference between the predicted probabilities and the actual binary labels. A lower value indicates better alignment between the predicted and true values.


  1. Sensitive to class imbalance: Binary Cross Entropy loss can be sensitive to class imbalance, where one class dominates the dataset. In such cases, the model may favor the majority class, leading to biased predictions.


Binary Cross Entropy loss is calculated using the formula:

Here, y represents the true binary label (0 or 1), ŷ represents the predicted probability, and log represents the natural logarithm.

The calculation of loss function,actual value is binary whereas the predicted values are probability.

Note — In classification at last neuron use sigmoid activation function.

Categorical Cross Entropy:

Categorical Cross Entropy is a loss function commonly used in multiclass classification problems. It is specifically designed to handle scenarios where there are more than two classes to predict.


  1. Multiclass classification: Categorical Cross Entropy is suitable for problems with multiple classes. It enables the model to assign probabilities to each class and measure the dissimilarity between the predicted probabilities and the true class labels.


  1. Computational complexity: The computation of Categorical Cross Entropy involves summing over all classes, which can be computationally expensive, especially when dealing with a large number of classes.


The loss function for Categorical Cross Entropy is calculated as the negative sum of the actual value multiplied by the logarithm of the predicted value for each class.

Here, y represents the true class label (one-hot encoded), ŷ represents the predicted probability for each class, and log represents the natural logarithm.


  • k is classes,
  • y = actual value
  • yhat — Neural Network prediction

Note — In multi-class classification at the last neuron use the softmax activation function.

When to use Categorical Cross Entropy and Sparse Categorical Cross Entropy:

  1. Categorical Cross Entropy:
  • Use Categorical Cross Entropy when the target column is one-hot encoded, meaning each class is represented by a binary vector where only one element is active (1) and the rest are inactive (0).
  • For example, if you have three classes A, B, and C, the one-hot encoded representation would be [1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], and [0, 0, 1] respectively.
  • Categorical Cross Entropy is appropriate when the model outputs a probability distribution over multiple classes, and the true class labels are represented in a one-hot encoded format.

2. Sparse Categorical Cross Entropy:

  • Use Sparse Categorical Cross Entropy when the target column is numerically encoded, where each class is represented by a unique integer value.
  • For example, if you have three classes A, B, and C, the numerical encoding might be 1, 2, and 3 respectively.
  • Sparse Categorical Cross Entropy is suitable when the model outputs a probability distribution over multiple classes, and the true class labels are represented as integers rather than one-hot encoded vectors.

The choice between Categorical Cross Entropy and Sparse Categorical Cross Entropy depends on how the target column is encoded. If it is one-hot encoded, use Categorical Cross Entropy. If it is numerically encoded, use Sparse Categorical Cross Entropy.

