Enhancing AI Emotional Intelligence: Microsoft Researchers Introduce ‘EmotionPrompt’

3 min readNov 10, 2023



Emotional intelligence is a crucial aspect of human behavior and decision-making. The ability to recognize and process emotions not only influences our personal well-being but also aids in problem-solving and social interactions. As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance, researchers are exploring ways to imbue machines with emotional intelligence. In a groundbreaking study, Microsoft, along with academic institutions, unveiled the ‘EmotionPrompt’ method to enhance AI emotional intelligence across multiple language models (LLMs). This article will delve into the significance of emotional intelligence in AI and discuss the innovative research conducted by a collaborative team.

Unveiling EmotionPrompt: Fostering Emotional Intelligence in LLMs

LLMs have exhibited remarkable capabilities across various tasks, positioning them as a promising avenue toward artificial general intelligence (AGI). However, their ability to interpret and utilize emotional cues, a fundamental human trait, remained unexplored. To bridge this gap, researchers from Microsoft, CAS, William & Mary, Beijing Normal University, and HKUST developed EmotionPrompt.

EmotionPrompt is a simple yet powerful method that enables LLMs to process emotional stimuli. The researchers designed 11 psychological phrases as follow-up prompts to elicit an emotional response from LLMs. By leveraging in-context learning methods, they aimed to gauge the impact of emotional intelligence on the performance of LLMs.

Assessing Emotional Intelligence in LLMs

To evaluate the effectiveness of EmotionPrompt, the researchers conducted extensive trials with various LLMs, including FlanT5-Large, Vicuna, Llama 2, BLOOM, ChatGPT, and GPT-4. They employed both deterministic and generative tasks, covering diverse difficulty levels, to test the emotional prompts’ influence on performance.

Human Study Results:

To ensure accurate evaluation, the researchers engaged 106 participants in a human study. The participants judged the quality of task generation based on both vanilla prompts and emotional prompts by GPT-4. The results were compelling, with emotional prompts contributing to a significant improvement in generative tasks. On average, emotional prompts exhibited a 10.9% increase in performance, truthfulness, and responsibility metrics compared to vanilla prompts.

Standard Experiment Findings:

The researchers also explored the emotional intelligence of LLMs through standard experiments. These experiments confirmed that LLMs possess emotional intelligence and that emotional stimuli enhance their performance. The influence of emotional prompts was analyzed by assessing the effects of emotional stimuli on output attention. The findings revealed that emotional stimuli amplified gradients within LLMs, resulting in improved representation of the original prompts and better outputs.

The Impact of Multiple Emotional Cues:

Furthermore, the researchers investigated the impact of using multiple emotional cues simultaneously. The experiments revealed that multiple emotional cues substantially enhanced performance. For Instruction Induction tasks, EP02 emerged as the most effective stimulus, outperforming the least effective stimulus by 6.06%. Similarly, for BIG-Bench tasks, EP06 displayed the highest effectiveness.

EmotionPrompt’s Efficacy: Exploring Model Size and Temperature

To understand the influence of model size and temperature on EmotionPrompt’s efficacy, the researchers conducted an ablation study. This study sought to identify the optimal parameters for maximizing the benefits of EmotionPrompt. The results shed light on the interplay between model size and temperature, providing insights for future research.


EmotionPrompt marks a significant stride in enhancing AI emotional intelligence. Microsoft, in collaboration with academic institutions, has demonstrated the potential of LLMs to comprehend and exploit emotional stimuli. Through the implementation of emotional prompts, LLMs exhibit improved performance across generative, demonstrating their evolving emotional intelligence. This innovative research opens avenues for further exploration, empowering AI systems to better understand and respond to human emotions. By bridging the gap between emotional intelligence and AI, EmotionPrompt paves the way for more empathetic and effective machines in the future.

“EmotionPrompt: Harnessing emotional stimuli to enhance AI emotional intelligence and performance.” — Microsoft Researchers

🔗 For more information, refer to the official research paper by Microsoft: Link to Paper

Note: The research conducted by Microsoft and the collaborative team showcases promising advancements in the realm of AI emotional intelligence. Stay updated on the latest developments in the field of AI to witness the continuous evolution of machines with human-like emotional understanding.

