Unlocking the Power of AI: Owning Your Own LLM!

2 min readJul 27, 2023


AI has transformed industries with its incredible abilities, and Large Language Models (LLMs) like OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Bard have been at the forefront of this revolution. However, many organizations have yet to fully harness the potential of LLMs due to barriers like building proprietary models and data privacy concerns. But fear not, because in this keynote from ODSC East 2023, Hagay Lupesko, VP of Engineering at MosaicML, reveals that owning your own LLM is not only critical but also achievable for most businesses.

Here are some key benefits of owning your own LLM, explained in simple terms even a high school student can understand:

🎨 Customization: When you have your own LLM, you have the freedom to customize and fine-tune the model to match your business needs. This means training the model on your own data, jargon, and internal knowledge to generate more relevant and domain-specific responses.

🔒 Enhanced Security: Owning your LLM means you have control over your data and avoid the risks associated with using external models. Your sensitive information stays within your organization, allowing you to implement robust security measures and ensure data privacy.

🔧 Flexibility: Proprietary LLMs provide the flexibility to adapt and modify the model as your business evolves. Unlike generic models with predefined limitations, your LLM can be optimized for specific use cases and market conditions.

🎯 Improved Accuracy: Building your LLM and training it on domain-specific data leads to more precise results. Your model understands the intricacies of your industry, enhancing the accuracy of the generated outputs.

💰 Cost Efficiency: Though there’s an initial investment, owning your LLM becomes cost-effective in the long run, especially for organizations with substantial language processing needs. You save on API calls or licensing fees by leveraging in-house capabilities.

📡 Offline Access: With your own LLM, you can use it even in scenarios without an internet connection or reliable access. This is useful in remote locations or situations where data must be siloed off from the internet.

In a rapidly evolving world, upskilling with AI is becoming more crucial than ever. 🚀 #AI #LLM #FutureofTech #AIUpskilling #ODSCWest2023

