Difference between ZIA, ZPA & ZDX

Aman Chawla
3 min readJun 8, 2024


Zscaler Internet Access (ZIA), Zscaler Private Access (ZPA), and Zscaler Digital Experience (ZDX): A Comprehensive Comparison

Zero trust

Zscaler provides a suite of advanced cloud security solutions, each tailored to address specific network security and performance aspects. The primary products include Zscaler Internet Access (ZIA), Zscaler Private Access (ZPA), and Zscaler Digital Experience (ZDX). While ZIA and ZPA focus on securing internet and internal application access, ZDX aims to optimize user experience by monitoring and managing digital performance.

Zscaler Internet Access (ZIA)

Zscaler Internet Access (ZIA) is a cloud security service dedicated to ensuring secure internet access for users regardless of their location. ZIA acts as a secure intermediary, inspecting and filtering traffic to protect against cyber threats such as malware, ransomware, phishing attacks, and data exfiltration.

Key Features of ZIA:
- Secure Web Gateway: Protects users from malicious websites and enforces security policies.
- Cloud Firewall: Provides advanced firewall capabilities to inspect traffic and enforce policies.
- Data Loss Prevention (DLP): Monitors and protects sensitive data from unauthorized access and transmission.
- Advanced Threat Protection: Detects and blocks sophisticated cyber threats.
- SSL Decryption and Inspection: Inspects encrypted traffic to identify and mitigate hidden threats.
- Bandwidth Control and Traffic Shaping: Optimizes and manages internet bandwidth usage.

Zscaler Private Access (ZPA)

Zscaler Private Access (ZPA) is a cloud-based service that facilitates secure access to internal applications and services without exposing them to the public internet. ZPA embodies a zero-trust network access (ZTNA) model, connecting users to specific applications based on predefined policies, thereby significantly enhancing security by minimizing the attack surface and ensuring that access is granted solely to authorized users.

Key Features of ZPA:
- Zero-Trust Network Access: Ensures users are only connected to the applications they are authorized to access.
- Application Segmentation: Isolates applications to prevent lateral movement of threats.
- Secure Remote Access: Provides secure connectivity for remote users to internal applications.
- Identity-Based Access Control: Uses identity verification to control access to applications.
- Micro-Segmentation: Divides the network into smaller, isolated segments to enhance security.
- Multi-Cloud Application Access: Secures access to applications hosted across different cloud environments.

Zscaler Digital Experience (ZDX)

Zscaler Digital Experience (ZDX) focuses on monitoring and improving users' digital experience by providing visibility into application, network, and device performance. ZDX helps organizations proactively identify and resolve performance issues to ensure optimal user experience.

Key Features of ZDX:
- End-to-End Visibility: Provides comprehensive insights into the performance of applications, networks, and devices.
- User Experience Monitoring: Tracks and analyzes user interactions to identify performance bottlenecks.
- Application Performance Management: Monitors the performance of cloud and SaaS applications to ensure they meet user expectations.
- Network Performance Monitoring: Analyzes network performance to detect and troubleshoot connectivity issues.
- Device Health Monitoring: Monitors device performance and health metrics to ensure optimal functionality.
- Proactive Issue Resolution: Uses AI and machine learning to predict and resolve performance issues before they impact users.

Comparison summary

- ZIA (Zscaler Internet Access): Focuses on securing internet-bound traffic, protecting users from external cyber threats, and ensuring compliance.
-ZPA (Zscaler Private Access): Provides secure, zero-trust access to internal applications and services, reducing the attack surface and ensuring that only authorized users can access specific resources.
- ZDX (Zscaler Digital Experience): Enhances user experience by monitoring and optimizing the performance of applications, networks, and devices, ensuring smooth and efficient digital interactions.

Together, these products provide a comprehensive security and performance management framework, addressing the diverse needs of modern organizations in safeguarding their digital infrastructure and ensuring optimal user experience.



Aman Chawla

Cybersecurity specialist skilled in cloud security, email threat mitigation, and network defense.