6 Things I Learned from my Adventure of Bitcoin Trading

Amancio Bouza
6 min readApr 3, 2018
From zero to hero and back again.

The news are drowned with Bitcoin stories. Yesterday, it was the galactic price developments of Bitcoin, Ether, Ripple & Co. Today, the ultimate dead of Bitcoin & Co is announced by finance experts and media — again. And tomorrow, new price records are on the agenda.

It sounds like a fairy tale from a faraway and surreal land. There, money lies on the streets and waiting for you to pick it up. It all sounds too good to be true.

But then, this one friend appeared and told me about his Bitcoin wealth.

My ‘friend, the Bitcoin millionaire’

I can still remember it as if it was yesterday. It was a warm summer day in late April, 2017. In the Markthalle in the Viadukt in Zurich, we just had lunch and went outside for drinking the usual Espresso-after-lunch.

The Viadukt in Zurich, Switzerland

He proudly pulled out his smartphone and showed me a hockey-stick curve that represented the price development of Ether, the crypto currency of the Ethereum blockchain. He just said: “I bought down here. Today, it’s up here and its price is eight times higher as it was back then! “.



Amancio Bouza

API & AI Enthusiast. Author of API Product Management. Public Speaker. Dot Connector. Intrapreneur.