12 Common Challenges in Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Building

The Missions from the ESHIP Summit 2017

Amanda West
2 min readFeb 14, 2018

In June 2017, 450 entrepreneurial ecosystem builders gathered in Kansas City for the first ESHIP Summit, a three-day conference convened by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation and 54 national partners.

The goal: Advance the work of community leaders who focus on a collaborative and systematic approach to fostering more entrepreneurial starts and success in their area (or industry).

On the last day of the Summit, the participants formed small groups around 12 challenge topics, which we called Missions. The topics are listed below, each linked to a ‘Mission Brief’ describing the challenge and potential solutions.

Share the Vision

Build the Community

Go Pro

Engage Everyone

Design Your Ecosystem

Based on the Mission Briefs linked above, small groups at the ESHIP Summit developed initial concepts for new tools, trainings, and shared understanding to help each other be more effective in their work.

In total, the groups dreamed up 38 solution concepts for more effective ecosystem building. Here is the full list of ideas.

A summary of their collective work is also available here.

