Day 6: Find & connect with your tribe

2 min readSep 16, 2016


Day’s 6 challenge is all about finding your tribe… As I understand it your tribe is your people! They are like-minded, show full understanding of what you are going through, have either been in the same phase of life as you or are now going through it together with you or even they aren’t/haven’t been in a similar situation as you but are simply blessed to understand other people! J They are there to support, listen, coach, bring new ideas in, hold you accountable…

Back a few months I started watching a series of interviews that Chase Jarvis took from “modern and genius” enterpreneurs. The very first episode I watched was a recommendation and it stimulated me from its first second! Marie Forleo, a multipassionate entrepreneur as she calls herself, was being interviewed describing her own journey of finding fulfilment through work and sharing an important realisation she made through her journey… that she is a person with multiple passions that just cannot burry one over the other… She has now managed to create a life that involves different passions of hers as a profession and doing each one to a certain degree..

Her story was inspiring as her journey involved changing many careers and hobbies in her own personal seek of fulfilment… I identified myself with her straight away as I’m in a phase of life where I feel I have multiple interests which I never seem to prioritize and meaningfully involve them in my life such that I discover them more in depth and perhaps some day turn them into my profession..

In general I was amazed, and I am still are, with anyone who manages to identify their true calling in life through getting out of their comfort zone and discovering themselves through activities they never engaged before. I’m amazed by all those career changing stories and everyone who has done so is my little hero. I constantly read stories and I absorb ideas and ways of action… It stimulates me…

My action plan is to approach 1–2 persons such as Marie Forleo or anyone who had multiple passions in life and managed to turn some of them into a fulfilling job and ask them:

How did you manage to prioritize all those passions and feelings and start putting them into action without feeling overwhelmed?

I’m always confused who to approach and how to approach people I don’t know — how do I manage this and overcome the daunting question: “what if this is not what I am meant for?”



This blog post is in response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 6

