The Garfield Movie 2024 Executive Summary

Amanda Bwayo
3 min readApr 21, 2024



Garfield is a comic book turned movie franchise about a cat named Garfield going through the chronicles of life. The Garfield Movie, coming out in May 2024, tells the story about Garfield’s unexpected reunion with his long lost father with an alley cat named Vic (The Garfield Movie | Rotten Tomatoes). The marketing for the movie for pre-premiere, premiere, and post premiere will include social media posts on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, partnering with influencers to promote the movie on social media, utilizing the voice actors social media presence, and partnering with PetsSmart. The goals for the marketing campaign for Garfield is to triple the engagement rate on the Garfield movie social media handles, triple the social media impressions, generate at least 750,000 pre-movie sign ups, generate at least $250,000,000 at the box office.


The main social media platforms that will be used for The Garfield Movie are Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. I chose Instagram because Instagram is known for being a photo app so we can capitalize off of the visuals from the trailer and the posters. On Instagram 30.3% of users are between the ages of 25–34 and 15.7% of users are between the ages of 35–44 (McLachan, 2024), since Garfield is known for being a funny family friendly movie, we want to cater to the age demographics that are parents. I chose Twitter because that is the platform where I can add to the social conversation and emphasize our brand voice. I chose Facebook because Facebook has a feature that allows you to target parents based on their kids’ ages, since parents are going to most likely be the ones to buy the tickets. The target market for Twitter would be 25–34 year olds in the United States who are into animation and comic books since they would be the audience who finds animated movies the most interesting and that age would most likely to go on Twitter to talk about the movie with their friends and followers. The target market for Instagram would be 18–44 year olds who are into art and animation as well as parents with elementary and middle school age children because parents are always looking for activities to do with their kids and people who are into art and animation would most likely be interested in the Garfield comics and previous movies. My target market for Facebook would be 30–45 year old parents who are active in Facebook groups because people active in Facebook groups are always seeking recommendations and reviews from other parents. The brand voice for this campaign would be exciting and silly because Garfield is someone who is very sarcastic and adventurous in all the movies. The hashtag for all social media posts would be #TheGarfieldMovie because we want something that is simple and easy for people to remember. For The Garfield Movie we would partner with petsmart and have the Garfield movie logo on all the cat food and have a QR code on all the branded cat food that links to the movie to pre-order tickets. We would partner with 2 influencers, one being an art/media influencer @fantasticfrankey and the second being family vlogger @theblackbarrys to promote the movie via paid ads and to do organic social media takeovers on all of our handles.

Examples of Social Media Posts We Would Include:

Instagram Caption: Take a look at this exclusive interview with the one and only Samuel L. Jackson who will be voicing Tabby’s daddy in #TheGarfieldMovie.
Twitter Caption: It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s The Garfield Movie! Coming to a theater near you on May 24th. #TheGarfieldMovie
Twitter Caption: The Garfield Movie is officially out now everywhere, bring all your friends, family, kids, neighbors, because you’re in for a good time! #TheGarfieldMovie


The Garfield Movie | Rotten Tomatoes. (n.d.). Rotten Tomatoes.

McLachlan, S. (2024, March 12). 2024 Instagram Demographics: Top user stats for your strategy. Social Media Marketing & Management Dashboard.

