Invest $1000, Get Back $2200 in 10 Days.

My cousin called me up to invest in a business scheme that pays back huge ROI. So I sent her $1000 first, and then I started looking out for hundreds of thousand dollars more to invest so I could become rich eventually.

Amanda HKN
3 min readSep 2, 2023
Not all that glitters is gold

I began calling a few friends and family members who could put together $300k for my new found investment net.

If it went right, I would be stinkingly rich by that standard for the period, and those who helped raise the $300k would have their money back plus some percentage profits as well.

The same business investment model opportunity came to me in 2015. And for the first 3 months I milked the profits.

A month later, the company shut down, and every investor including me lost all the monies we invested for that year 2015.

It dawned on us, that it was some pyramid scheme, some criminal network who were good at playing the game of swindle.

I learned my lesson then in 2015, the hard way, and that experience has been my reference point for avoiding such crazy opportunity in the future.

If it's too good to be true, it actually is a warning sign.

So I have rejected several sweet investment offers as such for the past 8 years.

Until my cousin whom I respect so much and hold in high esteem called recently.

I argued with her and told her reasons it could be a pyramid scheme scam,

BUT she said no, it wasn't, and that she had made her due diligence, and it was legit.

It's always good to listen to that silent inner voice and gut that speaks to you.

That was the only thing remaining I turned to for guidance.

And YES, my gut and instincts spoke to me for days NOT to invest a dime in the business.

Days passed by, and I didn't respond to my cousin on the matter. I only told her to give me some time to think it through.

She then called me two weeks ago, and we got talking about this — one more time.

I asked her to give me the night to think through, and it was a night of battle between me and that inner voice that speaks to everyone who cares to listen without doubts.

The voice said don’t do it; logical reasoning and trust for my cousin says Do it.

Days later, and I sent her $1000 to invest.

Expecting $2200 in 10 days.

I was so overwhelmed and positive about it, that I started looking out for more money from other people to invest more.

6 days into it, and I got a call in the morning from my cousin.

She said to me, sorry couz - you were right, it's a pyramid scheme scam and all our monies are gone without trace.

What I learned from this:

Never ever again will I disobey that inner voice and gut within.

Never ever again will I invest based on sentiments.

Never ever again will I invest in anything that speaks to double my money in an unusual timeframe.

Never ever again will I allow greed play on me.

Just imagine, if after I was able to gather the other $300k from people I called, then invested their money into such scheme.

I would have been in a $300k debt and mess by now.

I thank God I made this one more mistake and not the bigger error.

Am grateful, this is a huge lesson for me, and for anyone reading this who may encounter such shiny distraction - now or in the future.

If it's too good to be true, it's probably not worth your adventure.

Love ❤️ - and peace out.


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Amanda HKN

I travel alot & love adventuring into diverse educative fields of life. If I must teach, I must first be a thorough learner - & this is the basis of my living.