How to Help Kids Maintain Good Oral Health

Amanda Lewis
3 min readOct 25, 2018


One of the biggest challenges for the parents is to help their school-going kids maintain good oral health. There are a lot of things that parents look after when they see off their kids going to school. What they normally overlook is their oral health. The matter of fact is that it is a challenge and it needs to be treated as such. Therefore, there are a few things that you will have to take into consideration in this context.

Schedule regular dental visits

You may be thinking about just brushing and flossing being enough but it’s not. Your kids need the best of their oral health; and you have to keep in mind that they are usually careless about their oral care and hygiene. In this scenario, professional dental care is what can help you maintain oral health of your kids in pretty ideal way. Remember, your children are absolutely not going to pay attention to their studies if they are in a state of discomfort due to poor oral health.

Encourage good oral hygiene

While you take your kids to dental visits on regular basis, you also have to make sure that you are supervising their oral hygiene practices. It means that you will need to teach your kids the right way to brush and floss their teeth. It’s your job to tell your kids that brushing is beneficial only when it is done for the whole two minutes. Moreover, you will also need to fully train them about how to floss their teeth. These oral hygiene practices need to be followed twice a way on daily basis.

Pack healthy foods in lunchboxes

When it comes to maintaining oral and dental health, there is a big role of foods that cannot be overlooked. A few food items that you have to take into consideration here are as under.

  • Give your children whole wheat bread instead of white bread
  • Give them multigrain crackers instead of potato chips
  • Apple slices
  • White milk instead of juices
  • Mini carrots
  • Low fat yogurt
  • Sugarless jelly
  • Grapes
  • Fresh fruits

These are the healthy alternatives to the foods which are normally given to the children and those foods aren’t quite healthy. Having that said, you have to make sure that you are not giving your kids the fatty and sugary foods which can be bad for oral and overall health. Sugary and starchy foods can lead to bacterial misbalance in the mouth. This condition can further lead to tooth decay, cavities and gum disease.

