5 Must See Documentaries About The Fast Fashion Industry

Amanda Mirus
4 min readJul 21, 2020


It is no secret that the fast fashion industry NEEDS TO CHANGE.

You may know what goes on behind the scenes in the fashion industry but have you actually taken the time to really understand the damages of the fast fashion industry? These issues affects many thing, not just the environment.

Did you know that the second highest polluter in the world is the fashion industry??? Want to know what the first one is? The first one is OIL! Yes, the fashion industry is next to oil when it comes to pollution and damaging the environment!

One of my goals is to bring more awareness to the dark side of the fast fashion industry, how it affects the environment, human rights, our water, and everything else that is wrong with this industry.

One way to do that is to give people different sources to get an understanding for themselves.


1. The True Cost

The True Cost is a story about clothing. It is about the clothes we wear, the people who make these clothes, and the impact the industry is having on our world. This is a groundbreaking documentary that pulls back the curtain on the untold story about the fast fashion industry and asks us to consider, who REALLY pays the price for our clothing?

2. The Price of Fast Fashion

Fashion lover Assefeh Barrat follows every stage of the production process from cotton growers in the USA, to factory owners in Turkey, and designers in the West to see who is leading the way in reducing fashion’s environmental impact. She asks consumers the blunt, uncomfortable question, “Are you really willing to change your fast fashion habits?”

3. RiverBlue

Following international river conservationist, Mark Angelo, RIVERBLUE spans the globe to infiltrate one of the world’s most pollutive industries, the fashion industry. Narrated by clean water supporter Jason Priestley, this groundbreaking documentary examines the destruction of our rivers and our water, its effect on humanity, and the solutions that inspire HOPE for a sustainable future.

4. Udita (Arise)

Udita, the latest documentary from The Rainbow Collective, brings together footage capturing garment work in Bangladesh, collected over a five year period.

The Rainbow Collective premiered the film in East London at the Unite The Union Community Centre to a packed house on 24 April 2015, marking the 2nd anniversary of the Rana Plaza collapse.


When people in the West throw their clothes away, their cast-offs often go on a journey east, across the oceans, to India’s industrial interior. This is their story and how is it affecting thier everyday life.

Now is the time to ask ourselves an important question. “Are we ready to finally change the way we buy our clothes?”

I know, all of this can be a hard pill to swallow and you may feel lost on where to start. On my next blog I will be giving you different ways on how you can change your habits when it comes to shopping for clothing.

For now, some easy ways to start is by sharing this article to help spread awareness, start shopping small, support local, and shop from sustainable fashion brands like Isabelle LaRue and others.

Thank you for taking your time and teaching yourself and others how serious this issue is on our entire world. Make sure you follow for more articles and tips on the fashion industry, business, marketing, and life in general.

-Amanda Mirus



Amanda Mirus

Entrepreneur in NYC | CEO, Isabelle LaRue, Inc | Managing Director, EnVogue Fashion Collective | Author, BTC Edu Coloring Book | Bitcoin & Blockchain Enthusiast