Amanda APS and Bill Tabone APS
5 min readJul 21, 2019

Stepping Between The Worlds: Amanda’s Personal Paranormal Nursing Experiences. Part 1

As you may all know by now, I am an old nurse. I’ve worked in some absolutely incredible hospitals all over Melbourne and Victoria. I adored my job as a nurse; it came so easily to me being a natural healer.

Unfortunately due to my mother in-laws sickness, I sadly had to leave my full time job as a nurse. I then became a full time nurse caring for my mother in-law, Nola, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for the last 5 years. Nola passed away in May, and I found myself lost.

I knew my mother in-law loved my writing and experiences in the paranormal, I would sit and chat to her daily about my paranormal experiences throughout my life. Nola encouraged me to write, but being a full time carer and mum, I couldn’t put 100% into my writing like I wanted to. She loved my paranormal true stories, so now I’m going to share as many of them as I can with the rest of the world. I know Nola would be proud of me, so thanks Nola. You were my biggest teacher.

At a Victorian Country Hospital:

I was working in a country hospital in Victoria; I was working on one of the hospital wards when a cancer patient came in, he had come into hospital for palliative care. I didn’t understand really what palliative care was; my job was to make people happy in my eyes, and care for them, help them heal. Sadly at the age of 25, I didn’t process death very well, I was still a baby myself and he was dying. Even though he was in palliative care, he was so happy and full of life, smiling and chatting away. He had such a lovely vibe and spirit about him. He was a humble and kind man to his core.

I sat with him holding his hand chatting to him. He was 42yo, I will call him Ken (not his real name). He said to me, “I love your smile; you’re so happy.” It made me realise I’d done the right thing to be a nurse; I wanted to help people and make a change.

I was at the palliative care ward on agency, but I’d been asked to keep coming back by the nursing staff. So, in that time I became close with Ken spending a lot time caring for him. Ken struggled with his diagnosis, and he had told me he was afraid to die. He was on his own, with no family and no other support. Unfortunately, it is very common that people are alone in the last stages of life, our most difficult time.

I wondered to myself if it was ethical to talk to Ken regarding my beliefs on death. So I did ask him if he minded that I speak with him openly regarding my thoughts on this subject. As death is a very personal thing, it doesn’t get much more personal than our final, waking hours on this earth. Lying in a bed dying, we struggle with what’s next? What’s happens to us? Why do we die? Why do we live? What does it all mean in the end? These are very personal things to think about before death. I’ve been with so many people that have died, it’s a privilege, as it’s so very personal. It’s the last stage and process of this life before, as I say, “stepping between the worlds.” Until our final stage or transition.

So Ken agreed quite happily that he’d like my thoughts on death.

I told him my beliefs are that life is a journey to learn as much as we can before we “get ready” for the next step, that being another world or separate dimensions.

Death is the end of our shell (what we call our body), but in actual fact, truth be known, “we are immortal.” Our soul lives on forever, it’s infinite. I told Ken that there is in my belief a higher awareness, a higher consciousness, a higher order. Ken asked me if I believed in god, I said I did, but I believe it to be a higher order of life form.

I told Ken that I believe there are separate dimensions for people, according to their vibrations and frequency by the way they’ve lived their life, in the sense of what they’ve done to help people, animals and the universe. Living life with no ego, with unconditional love. This is our purpose in life. To live and be happy and extend out both hands, but also our hearts to people who need our help, either with food, money, a roof, being a good decent human to help people less fortunate than us, and giving and caring for all walks of life with no judgment. Love is the highest vibration of all, we all know that. To live a good life and being a giving and loving soul.

So many people just don’t understand that these are the most basic things to do, to love and help another human souls or animal souls, do not do this to be recognised for it by ego, but to make a difference to another souls life.

Ken started to cry. He was very emotional and he grabbed me and started to cry and told me he’d been having dreams of his mum visiting him telling him “I’ll be with you soon son, don’t worry I’ll take you home.” He told me it all made sense now. I told Ken it’s common to have these dreams and your mum is preparing you for your next journey into the afterlife. Ken said to me he’d lived a good life and he was actually overwhelmed with my thoughts on life after death. Ken told me he believed me.

After our conversation, he was more relaxed, a calmness had taken hold of him and he was in a good place mentally, not fighting against death he’d come to except his death.

This is something many people don’t accept: that death is inevitable. When I hear people tell me death is nothing at all, I think to myself “Who are you? How dare you say that.” Death is the biggest step we take, our last breaths on this earth. And yes, it does count. It does matter. Just because we die, doesn’t mean we should think that death is nothing. Death is our last lesson that we will learn before we go home to the light. So death does matter, and it does count. It’s personal. We leave our shell 🐚 for another life as spirit. Our ending is important. Always remember my words please.

Sadly in the third week of Ken’s stay in palliative care, he passed away. Unfortunately, I wasn’t with him when he passed, as it happened not long before I walked in the door for work.

I went respectfully into his room and saw absolute peace on his face. His struggle was over. I was disappointed that I wasn’t there for him in his final minutes, but I knew that his mother was waiting to take Ken home. He was at peace, and the smile on his face was letting me know that he was ok.

Amanda 🙏

Written By Amanda APS Medium

Copyright © Amanda Wright-Tabone

May 2019

(Under no circumstances copy any part of my content or print it without my prior permission)

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Editor Emily APS

Amanda APS and Bill Tabone APS

Amanda APS is a medium, Empath and afterlife researcher and educator who specialises in ITC/EVP research. I work on cold cases through spirit. I believe in God