Amanda APS and Bill Tabone APS
4 min readJul 21, 2019


The Old Saying Goes: Trust Your Vibes Energy Doesn’t Lie. “Gut Instincts”

People have been listening to their gut instincts since forever going back to ancient times.

Gut instincts/feeling and vibes: should I trust them?

The answer, for me, is simple = yes, and absolutely yes. Please listen to your senses, your feelings, your vibes/body. It’s telling you something is up and to keep your eyes and ears open.

What does a gut instinct/vibe feel like?

Well we are all different, so we experience different emotions and feelings but I’ll explain what happens to me:

It’s like a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I become nervous and can start to shake, and feel similar symptoms like the flu. Sometimes in extreme cases, I’ll have heart palpitations and I just can’t settle; I can’t relax. Sometimes I become short of breath, and in severe cases I can vomit and dry retch. Usually, I’ll get a flood of images in my head telling me everything about the situation that’s making me uneasy. Nine times out of ten, I’m 100% correct.

Your body is a powerhouse, and don’t you ever forget it.

If something is not right or making you feel uneasy or toxic, by all means take note, and I can’t stress that enough. Take yourself away from anyone or a situation that makes you uneasy take notice of your body. Alarm…



Amanda APS and Bill Tabone APS

Amanda APS is a medium, Empath and afterlife researcher and educator who specialises in ITC/EVP research. I work on cold cases through spirit. I believe in God