GA-4: All the Stats, Facts, and Data You’ll Ever Need to Know

Amandip Arora
3 min readJul 21, 2023


Hello there, fellow website owners and digital marketers! Let’s talk about a tool that has revolutionised the world of web analytics: Google Analytics. You’re probably familiar with its power to provide valuable insights into website performance and user behaviour. But did you know that Google introduced a new version called GA-4 in 2021? In this article, I’ll guide you through all the important information you need to know about GA-4, whether you’re an analytics expert or just starting out. Get ready to discover the exciting features and benefits of this cutting-edge tool.

GA-4: The Next Level of Google Analytics

GA-4 is not just an upgrade; it’s a significant step forward. Unlike its predecessor, Universal Analytics (UA), GA-4 uses an event-driven data model. This means that it tracks each user’s interactions such as page views, clicks, and video plays as separate events. This move enables a more comprehensive picture of user behaviours and brings up a world of new insights.

Improved Cross-Device Tracking

In today’s digital landscape, users interact with websites across multiple devices, including mobile phones and desktops. GA-4 addresses this issue by providing enhanced cross-device tracking capabilities, allowing you to analyse and assess user interactions across several devices. This comprehensive perspective of the user journey enables you to gain a better understanding of your audience and optimize your strategy, ultimately providing customized experiences tailored to both mobile and desktop users.

Smarter Insights with Machine Learning

GA-4 integrates machine learning technology to provide smarter insights and predictions. It can identify patterns and trends in user behaviour, segment users based on conversion likelihood, and even forecast future outcomes. These intelligent insights empower you to make data-driven decisions and refine your marketing strategies for maximum impact.

Streamlined Data Collection

Say goodbye to the hassle of setting up multiple tracking codes for different interactions. GA-4 streamlines data collection with its Measurement ID feature. With this simplified approach, you can track events, conversions, and key metrics more efficiently. Additionally, GA-4 offers enhanced data control, allowing you to configure thresholds and automate data deletion to comply with privacy regulations.

Customizable Reports and Analysis

GA-4 provides customizable reports that align with your specific business goals. You have the flexibility to tailor your reports and analysis to focus on the metrics that matter most to you. The enhanced analysis tools enable you to explore data from different dimensions, visualise trends through intuitive charts and graphs, and extract actionable insights to drive growth.

Integration with Google Ads and BigQuery

If you’re running Google Ads campaigns, GA-4 seamlessly integrates with your ad data. This integration allows you to measure ad performance, track conversions, and understand the impact of your ads on user behaviour. Moreover, by linking GA-4 with BigQuery, you can tap into advanced analysis capabilities and unlock the full potential of your data.


GA-4 is a game-changing web analytics tool. Its event-driven data model, cross-device tracking, machine learning integration, and customizable reports empower website owners and marketers. By using GA-4, you gain insights into user behaviour, track interactions across devices, and optimise user experiences. It offers streamlined data collection, customizable reports, and integration with Google Ads and BigQuery. Overall, GA-4 takes web analytics to the next level, allowing you to make informed decisions and drive success in the digital world. Embrace GA-4, explore its features, and let data guide your path to success.

Stay curious, keep learning, and adapt to the evolving analytics landscape. Start exploring GA-4 today and witness the transformation it brings to your digital presence.



Amandip Arora

Founder & Director at Sterco Digitex, a Delhi-based Digital Media Agency. Two decades of entrepreneurial acumen & innovation in global branding.