Putting God Over Self

A Man for All Seasons
2 min readFeb 17, 2023



  • First Reading: Genesis 11:1–9
  • Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 33:10–15
  • Gospel: Mark 8:34–9:1

It can be very easy to be preoccupied with our domestic cares and consumed by the personal ambitions we have for our life. We want to live in the biggest houses, drive the fastest cars and visit the fanciest of places. Although all these are not bad things to dream about, it can become an issue when we forget the main reason we are Christians, and that is the Cross.

The first reading of today is on the pretty intriguing story of the tower of Babylon, where a group of individuals decided to build a city with a tower that reaches the sky. Verse 4 gives us an indication that their intention was to make a name for themselves, and through this chase for more status, they lost sight of their own nature. They were given the privilege of communicating with each other and lost it as a result of their pride. I believe that there is something to learn from that story today, which is to always use our talents and privileges for the glorification of God.

In Psalm 33, this truth rings in our ears. The Lord will scatter the plans of the proud-hearted, those who do not intend to submit to his will. He has plans for our lives and has given each of us a specific purpose to fulfill for the expansion of his Kingdom. Fortunately, we have been promised happiness and an inheritance, through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, if we remain in line with this purpose.

Finally in the Gospel reading of today, Jesus is speaking to each and everyone of use about the importance of carrying our cross. The Lord has required that “whoever will come after him must deny himself.” But what he commands is neither hard nor painful when he himself helps us in such a way so that the very thing he requires may be accomplished. Just as we are lost through loving ourselves, so we are found by denying ourselves. Love of self was the ruin of Adam, if he had not loved himself in the wrong order, he would have been willing to be subject to God, preferring God to self.

So our prayer for today is to ask for the grace to put God over ourselves. That is to prioritize God’s purpose over our personal ambitions.

