I am a superwoman and so are YOU.

Amani Wells
3 min readNov 3, 2017


Whose to say that you can’t have beauty and brains? Fleek and Geek? Those things are not only possible but easily achievable. You are allowed to slay with your WHOLE life. To be beat, sleek, laid and have some hustle and ambition about yourself as well. Don’t let stereotypes put you in a box. Use your fleekyness to break boundaries and open minds everyday.

As a twenty-first century woman, and with the grace of God you can do ALL things. Business amongst african american women is booming as we are quickly becoming the fastest growing breed of entrepreneurs in the country. Black women are finding their lane, finding their passions and chasing after what they want. That is what I’m doing, and if you are not I want you to join me. Join me on the superwoman train.

Google defines a superwomen as “a woman who copes successfully with the simultaneous demands of a career, marriage, and motherhood.” Times are changing and women are evolving. No longer does a lady have to choose her family over her success, she can have them both. Women are depending less and less on others to make a way for them, and are instead taking their destiny into their own hands. They are making a way for themselves and building a legacy for themselves. “Black Girl Magic” is such a beautiful and heartwarming thing to witness. Watching my slaytastic sisters break barriers and pave the way for us to continue to do the same. Seeing Beyonce turn lemons into lemonade while holding her 4 year old daughter on her hip. Seeing Rihanna change the fashion industry like never before by being the first black spokeswoman of Dior; and releasing her first high fashion line at Paris Fashion Week. Black women all across the world are showing up and showing out. They are showing us that it is in-fact possible to have it all, to be it all, and to do it all. The world is our oyster and there is no reason to hold back any longer. No reason to put off our dreams, or to wait until the “time is right”. The time is now and it is up to us to seize the moment and start building our empires.

Being a superwomen does not mean you never run into any problems or setbacks. Being a superwomen is about having the strength to over come those drawbacks and come out on top. Being a superwoman doesn’t mean that you’ve never said anything dumb, or done anything stupid. It means that you have taken those moments to learn and to grow. To educate yourself, and to become a better woman. A superwoman does not let the negative opinions of others and the doubtful mouths of haters stop her from going after what she wants. She remembers that she is a child of god and has a special favor over her life. A superwoman remembers that the vision HE has planted in her cannot be shaken or broken because it is a good and perfect gift from HIM. So go on girl! Do you. Chase your dreams. Invest in yourself. Set goals and surpass them. You are a superwomen, and anything is possible.



Amani Wells

Content Manager, Writer, Blogger, Motivator and Dreamer.