Kanheri Caves: The Caves in the North of Mumbai

Aman Sharma
3 min readAug 22, 2020


Visit Date: 16th Aug 2018

Visit Season: Mid — Monsoon

Place: Kanheri Caves, Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Mumbai, India

I was standing on the entrance gate of Kanheri Caves, watching the stairway to heaven in front of me. I could feel the breeze flowing through my hair, birds chirping and monkeys silently observing me as I started my journey to heaven. The forest was as green as it could get because of the monsoon rains. It was drizzling and the stairs cut in rock were slippery but my curiosity to see the mumbai city from the other side pushed me forward.

While climbing I met a middle aged stranger, I asked him if the view from the top was worth the climb. He replied, ‘बहुत ही फाड़ है’(It’s breathtaking) in a very raw tone. Then for a minute he tried to analyse how the caves were made by Buddha Monks(बुद्ध भिक्षु) and compared this small hillock(i.e. 460m) with Badrinath(i.e. 3300m). After that small break I moved on to see the top.

View from the highest point of Kanheri Caves

Finally, after reaching the top I experienced the peace and serenity of the scenery. There weren’t many people on the top, just a small bunch of teenagers. It was scary for a while as I was not able to find my way to return back and the way I came up from was too slippery to go back down. Nevertheless, I held my nerves and tried to enjoy the view for a little longer.

After a while, the leaves started to rustle and I could see a lump of cloud coming towards the hilltop. The cloud was pouring water like a shower tap. I quickly decided to go down, but I was too slow compared to the cloud. As the winds were at their worst, I tried to take shelter under my umbrella so that I could save myself from getting drenched.

After a while, I was joined by some folks, just like me, there to visit the caves’ highest point. They were somehow a blessing as the downpour started to slow down as they came. I requested their help to guide me down the hill. The path was still slippery and I was wearing rubber sandals. Thanks to these folks I was able to descend easily.

View from Inside the Cave

After getting down, I entered one of the caves. It was too dark and a lot scary there. As they were not lit from inside I switched on my mobile’s torch and tried to see what inscriptions and statues were inside. I was feeling like Indiana Jones in search of treasure. I planned to move from the left corner to the right corner. As I was walking even the slightest noise was quite alarming.

At the end of my journey inside this cave I heard someone coming while I was approaching the door from the right corner. I had a playful thought to frighten them a little.

With my mobile’s torch switched on in the right hand I approached the door from the right walking like a ghost holding a candle. The boy was scared hopelessly, he deemed I was a ghost but I think he forgave me with a laugh as he was accompanied by a girl. Great fun!!

As the dusk nearer, I started to descend down the hill of Kanheri Caves. I will always remember the caves in the north.

As the dusk neared, I started to descend down the hill of Kanheri Caves.

My good friend’s friend, aptly named Devavrata(देवव्रत), recommended Kanheri Caves, which is one of the sights to see in Sanjay Gandhi(Borivali) National Park, Mumbai. I recommend you all to visit it.

The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.
— Joseph Campbell

