Jagadguru Kripalu Ji Maharaj says “The Awakening Process all boils down to this: Surrender”

Aman Shrivastava
4 min readMay 21, 2020


#Introduction to Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj

Jagadguruttam Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, the founder of Jagadguru Kripalu Parishat, is a God Realised Saint whose entire life on this earth was dedicated to inspiring souls on the path of devotion to God. Through enlightening discourses and chanting of the holy name, Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj (lovingly called Shri Maharaj Ji by His devotees) made unceasing efforts to reveal the true philosophy from the Vedic scriptures to mankind in the simplest form possible so that they may attain their true goal of God Realisation. Mankind was privileged to have his physical association on this planet earth from 1922 to 2013.

Following is a summary of a discourse delivered by Shri Maharaj Ji on the ‘Doctrine of Surrender’

Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj defines Surrender(Sharanagati) as the total engrossment of mind(mann) and intellect(buddhi) towards God. In order to seek the same, one requires to ward off the realization of the self as the doer of any action which is enacted by him. Not even for an iota of a second, this feeling must seep in. Once the mind is devoted to the lord, it cannot be put to use for one’s own job. If done so, it is tantamount to using the previously donated asset for serving one’s own purpose, which does not reflect the true form of charity (Daan). Similarly, true surrender demands complete allegiance of one’s mind and intellect to God. When this happens, one is divorced from the pride (Ahankaar) & responsibility of his actions and also the results accrued by those actions.

Shri Maharaj Ji expounds that the material world ought to be used just to keep the body healthy for the purpose of serving the lord and not to be exploited. On the contrary, we stand humbled to our sensual & epicurean pleasure deceiving the core objective. The prime requisite for seeking surrender is to realize that the sole purpose behind all our mundane actions is associated with the fulfillment of God’s pleasure only. We must harbour a perception that we are bathing, sleeping or eating, not to satiate our own pleasure but to keep our body in good health so as to serve our lord in the best possible manner. Doing so, would liberate us from the bondage of our actions, as God takes the entire onus upon himself and sets us free.

It is worthwhile to note that following complete surrender — mind, intellect & conscience(antahkaran) which are composed of filthy materialistic(mayic) elements are exchanged with the divine bliss by God & he levies no cost for the same. It is due to our mind & ego that spiritual progress eludes us. Thus, it is only by devoting our mind & ego to the lotus feet of the supreme Lord, we can quash the psychotic human notion that we can achieve the all powerful Lord through physical strength & materialistic endeavors.

‘What matters is the act of surrender’

Shri Maharaj Ji accentuates that surrender is not supposed to be reckoned with mere words but inner self (conscience). It can be realized only through consistent practice and by typecasting the mind each and every second with the hunch for devotion & service towards the one & only, Lord. Surrendering entails sanity & wisdom to demand the right wish from god i.e. his divine love. The staunch faith that there is bliss & ecstasy in this material world is to be done away with. Body is a material composition whereas Soul belongs to the divine realm. Owing to which, they both derive pleasure from their respective sources. We need to discern that soul’s gratification lies in one & only, Shri Krishna, who is the exclusive reserve of the divine bliss which is everlasting and boundless vis-a-vis the short lived & diminishing material happiness which the body craves for. By & by, with utmost tenacity, it is to be deeply entrenched in our mind that the true form of happiness lies in Shri Krishna only. He is my real well wisher and only Shri Krishna is mine.

For listening to the complete lecture (in Hindi), please click on : http://jkp.org.in/jkp_podcast/surrender-by-jagadguru-kripalu/

