How does Pancakeswap Clone Script Works?

Aman Amarwal
2 min readMar 28, 2023


The PancakeSwap is one of the popular DeFi exchange platforms that is based on the BNB chain network. It has generated revenue of more than $7 billion with its unique features and add-on modules.

Due to this, it has encouraged crypto start-ups and entrepreneurs to launch a DeFi Exchange Platform like PancakeSwap using PancakeSwap Clone Script. If you are not aware of the functioning of this clone software, you have landed on the right page as here we will discuss how PancakeSwap Clone Script works.

pancakeswap clone script

PancakeSwap Clone Script — How Does it Work?

The functioning of the white-label PancakeSwap Clone Script would be the same as the PancakeSwap. For a better understanding, let us understand its functioning in detail.

As the initial step, the user is required to connect with any crypto wallet such as a trust wallet, meta mask wallet or binance chain wallet.

After establishing the connection with the wallet, the user will be unlocking the wallet. Afterwards, cryptocurrencies will be deposited for swapping & paying fees.

The automated market maker would be helping the users to add liquidity to the desired pairs. Also, the user can remove the liquidity anytime.

Using PancakeSwap also allows users to earn LP tokens after adding liquidity.

As this clone script is built on the BNB chain, the user can be able to choose only BEP20 tokens. For token swapping, the users will be required to pay liquidity provider fees and gas fees to the admin of the DeFi exchange platform.

Which is the Best PancakSwap Clone Script Development Company?

Technoloader is a leading PancakeSwap Clone Script Development Company having a large and efficient team of developers. Their blockchain developers are highly efficient in developing a DeFi exchange platform like PancakeSwap that will be equipped with the latest functionalities and finest security features.

Get customised DeFi exchange platform Development Services from Technoloader and launch an efficient DeFi Dex Platform to enhance your customer base and increase your revenue.

Connect with their developers now either through Whatsapp or by visiting the official website.

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Aman Amarwal

Crypto enthusiasts, and write about the latest and greatest blockchain development innovations.