The American Dream died a little last night

Aman Narain
2 min readNov 9, 2016

Donald Trump promised America to make it “Great Again” many of us found it outrageous and ridiculous but 59,343,327 people and counting didn’t. They bought his story and in doing so did just the opposite and killed the American dream as;

Fairness died because a racist, misogynistic, xenophobic man with no experience beat a woman who spent her entire life in public service fighting for issues becoming the most qualified candidate ever.

Unity died as never before did states seems less united between the bi-coastal liberals and the conservative rust belt. Sure the politicians are talking a conciliatory tone this morning but divisions this deep don’t go away.

Common Sense died as blue collar voters who feel entitled to a white collar lifestyle’s voted for a man who promised them just that without raising taxes or increasing debt which makes it impossible.

Hope died as a candidate who promised better tomorrow’s than today’s won without a plan for how to get there.

Equality died as angry white voters rebelled against a historic and popular Black President choosing a candidate who relived America’s ugly history targeting minorities in his campaign

Those American’s who voted for Trump wanted “change” instead they will find in the coming years that they only “short changed” themselves by picking a man who spun them a yarn in 140 character installments that they bought hook, line and sinker.

French political thinker and writer Alexis de Tocqueville once famously said “In a democracy, the people get the government they deserve,” well my American friends history may just remember you as the generation that marked the end of your “Great Run” and handed the baton to the “Asian Century”



Aman Narain

Experience economy & biz transformation junkie. Working at the intersection of Biz, Design & Technology. Occasional political wonk and devoted Dad.