My latest move from SC to Atlanta

United States — A Desi’s Guide!

Amar Chheda
10 min readJan 20, 2024


A constant battle between the States and home!

Disclaimer: What I have put down is how my experience and the experiences of people around me have shaped my thinking on the topic. The purpose of this article is to talk about things that otherwise would not be shared on open forums. Choosing to come to the USA is a personal decission and this article is not meant as a guide for you to follow, but I recommend you read it before making a decision to move here anyway.

The Beginnings

Waking up after a 32-hour journey in a cozy attic far from home, it hit me — I had made it! The start of a new adventure felt real and exciting. Like the beginning of a novel, I was ready to face the new challenges ahead with optimism and a hint of humor.

Six years have flown by since that first day in the attic. I’ve bounced around from Boston to Atlanta, then Texas, South Carolina, and back to Atlanta again. There were visa challenges, unexpected layoffs during holiday seasons, and the hustle of finding new jobs and navigating visa renewals. Amidst all this, I found love and spent beautiful moments with my partner. Now, as I stand on the brink of a new life chapter, I can’t help but reflect. What brought me to this point? Why did I choose the USA? What was I thinking when I decided to move to a country so far away?

