Amarachi Ogueji
2 min readOct 4, 2020

Customer Engagement: Engaging with Struggling Customers

"People tend to act on positive information than negative ones"

I got this quote above from Tali Sharot's Ted Talk on How to Motivate yourself to Change your Behavior.

This Ted Talk got me thinking about how we can redefine our communication with customers. Instead of focusing on all the negative outcomes that will happen if customers don't do XYZ, why don't we start telling customers all the positive things that will happen when they do XYZ.

Don't get this wrong.

Tali is not saying that we shouldn't communicate risk. Rather, she insists that if we want to motivate change, we should think of positive ways to do it.

One of such positive way is the use of principles that will drive the mind and behaviour. This can mean showing people the positive steps others are taking to change certain behaviours.

For instance, you can share with your struggling customers how other successful customers in their segment are doing. Also, ask your advocates to come share their success stories with them. This way, they are motivated to take necessary actions.

Our customers are social beings, they care about what others are doing, they want to do the same, and even better.


Amarachi Ogueji

I am obsessed with Customer Success 🚀Ah, and "parti" Jollof 😃😃😃