How secure will our data be in the post-quantum era?

Anastasia Marchenkova
Quantum Bits
Published in
5 min readMay 9, 2015


It’s the end of modern cryptography as we know it, and we feel fine.

Build your security for the next 50 years. If the speed of processing doubles every two years, make sure your cryptographic systems can’t be brute forced in 50 years. If you use 2048 bit RSA, it will take some quadrillion years to break it. Good enough, right?

Quantum computing is about to throw that all on its head, and soon.

The End of Moore’s Law

Quantum computers are being worked on by academics, the government, large companies including IBM, Microsoft, and Google, and small, but well-funded startups. Every piece required for a quantum computer to exist has been experimentally demonstrated. It’s now an engineering challenge, and that’s scary. It’s a race to put together the pieces (read my quantum computing primer here). Quantum computers increase processing speed on certain quantum algorithms. Then it’s open season, and we are hunting RSA, elliptic curve, and other quantum breakable cryptography.

Who is Screwed?

In public-key cryptography, RSA is one of the most widely known and used for encryption, decryption, and digital signatures, which allows us to know that our information is secure, came from the source we think it came…

