What Would Jesus Do?
How Jesus would handle homosexuality and why it matters.
When Jesus stepped onto the scene, the political and religious climate was intense. The religious leaders were having people arrested and stoning people who violated the Law of Moses. Jesus made the scribes and Pharisees uncomfortable with His teachings and the company He kept. Based on His lifestyle alone, I’m convinced Jesus wasn’t homophobic. He accepted all people. This matters because it shows us how far we have strayed from the truth. During Jesus’s ministry, He addressed belief systems that had nothing to do with salvation. Not only do I believe Jesus would accept the LGBT community, but I think He would reject our American agencies and how they dictate how people learn about God and interact with others.
I didn’t decide to be Gay, but I have decided to follow Jesus.
I love the quote above because it focuses on what Jesus’s ministry focused on. Believing in Jesus and following His example. Salvation has nothing to do with who you are attracted to or who you sleep with. It’s a heart posture and your ability to trust God while doing right by others. More importantly, who you are attracted to wouldn’t keep Jesus away. Given biblical accounts, there’s no definite answer to how Jesus felt about same-sex relationships. There are enough biblical accounts to…