10 Things A Junior DBA Should Learn

Amar Kayam
4 min readJun 27, 2017

There is more to being a Younger DBA than knowing SQL. The DBA performs at the junction of the information source, server, functions group, and designers. A DBA should be aware of ideas from all these places of IT as well as be able to attract upon information of their manufacturing atmosphere to repair efficiency, components, and application problems. Below is a listing of the ten subjects I feel every primary DBA should comprehend. The record I developed arises from my encounters working with data source as both a DBA, Designer, and Administrator. When looking to employ primary DBA’s, the meeting concerns I ask are attracted from these places. If you’re looking to begin with a job as DBA, then you’ll want to be acquainted with these subjects.

Backup and Restore

Any DBA value their sodium should know the DBMS’ (Database Control System’s) built-in techniques to back-up and recover information, such as using Oracle Restoration Administrator, but along with these built-in resources, it also seems sensible to know what third celebration promotions are available. Business back-up alternatives are used in many bigger IT stores. Be acquainted with items such as NetBackup or NetApp SnapManager. As a junior DBA it would be amazing if you realized these power resources persisted and that not all back-ups are reasonable quality. That is to say, just because you back up the information source data files, doesn’t mean get a excellent backup… in reality, you didn’t.

Basic optimizations

It is significant to know when to suggest when an catalog should be developed. You should know some rudimentary listing techniques. When are grouped indices appropriate? When should you use a protected index? Also know how your details source optimizer performs. Does it depend on unique desk statistics? How do you upgrade those? Know what it indicates to rearrange platforms and indices. When should they be restructured, and what can you do to improve the process?


Software designers can do or die a information source. It is necessary that you can operate together with others to help them create effective concerns. You need to help them know that one contact to a information source is much more effective than one thousand! In most situations it is quicker run one question that profits a 1,000 series, than it is to contact 1,000 concerns that come back one row each. As a DBA you should help them comprehend when it is better to execute handling on the DBMS rather than in rule. Taking amounts of information across your system to execute sum is most likely more slowly than composing a question with an total operate.

Storage Systems

In most data source the primary container throat is hard drive accessibility. Understanding where your details source is saved and how the DBMS accesses the actual information is significant. Is your details source on regional hard drive or a SAN (Storage Area Network)? If you company has a storage space group, get to know them, and know what resources they use to monitor

How to understand a question plan

As a junior DBA you should know how to produce and look a primary question strategy. I wouldn’t anticipate you know completely comprehend all vocabulary, but several key words, such as “Full Table Check out,” and “Nested Loops” should leap out as red banners. Also, you’ll know, when the optimizer suggests something different be made, why that change meets your needs, and what the trade-offs are in making it. For example, the optimizer may suggest an catalog be developed. It this to make up for inadequate programming? Also, if you add it, could something else experience, such as an activity to place or upgrade data?

Knowledge of normalization

Normalized platforms are the basis of a well-designed relational information source, yet they can also be its scourge. A junior DBA should comprehend and know how to put information into 1st, 2nd, and 3rd regular type. Why is normalization essential and when can it become a liability? Must distinction between a Primary, International, and Exclusive key is significant. Also is knowing and knowing how to implement one-to-one, one-to-many connections.

Knowledge of SQL

It might seem apparent, but a DBA should have a really excellent understand of both SQL DML (Data Adjustment Language) and DDL (Data Meaning Language). DML includes items such as Choose, Update, Insert and Remove. You should recognize all the significant conditions such as WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, and ORDER BY. In inclusion you should be comfy with sub concerns and connects. DDL includes items such as CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE. A junior DBA should know how to develop and change platforms and indices and know the distinction between removing information, truncating a desk, or losing it! And… don’t ignore views!

Operating System

As a DBA you need to be acquainted with the OS (Operating System) your DBMS lifestyles within. You should comprehend how to go about your os, such as protection configurations, incorporation with Effective Listing, LDAP (Lightweight Listing Access Protocol), and labeling conferences. Also, how is your DBMS started? What programs are used to begin with, shut down, or secure customers out of your database?


To become effective it is significant to know when OS scripting, such as PowerScript, can help you handle your web servers. Consider having ten or more DB servers? If you had to closed down all the DBMS on them, would you independently log in and personally closed them down or use a script? In my guide, if you want to get an advantage on other junior DBA’s you understand scripting. This will only allow you to more effective at your job.

DBA Jobs are always available for you and all you need to do is join the DBA training Course in Pune to make your career in this field.

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