Logic Pro X Colorizer Tips

Arnaud Lamy @arnostronaut
4 min readJun 20, 2018


Since the LPX Colorizer came out, there has been a lot of hype around full fledged themes, but not so much about simplistic graphic enhancement of Logic’s appearance. This article will aim to show some of the UI weaknesses of Logic and how LPX Colorizer can fix them. Alternatively, it is also a good introduction to interface customization in Logic. These are my personal favorite and I invite you to share your own ideas on the Colorizer Facebook group.

Track Selection

Do we agree that a bit of neon blue catches the attention a little more?


Audio File Editor

Having the unselected audio signal greyed out always disturbed me, mainly because doing the same thing with the marquee tool in the main area would highlight the selection rather than dimming out the rest. Following the logic of the marquee tool, I set the unselected signal to plain white and gave another color to the selection.


Stack Tracks vs Single Tracks

There is a design effort from Apple to display channel affiliation. While it’s quite obvious in the Main window, it’s not so in the Mixer. One nice trick I use is to give the vu meter of stacks a different color. It really helps while mixing with open stacks.


Extending the Color Palette!

Change featured colors and add up to 24 other color options (bottom row)


Markers should not be exclusive to your attention

I find the Global track section to be dull when its purpose is especially to make a clear statement: The part of the song is about to change. Whether it is harmony or rhythm you want it to stick out from the grey background.


Step Editor

One very useful editor that lacks a contrasting graphics.

Step Editor Bright
Step Editor Dark

Piano Roll

In both these pictures, the Eb 4 note is selected. While it is very hard to differentiate in Logic’s Default, an easy remedy to this is to assign a bright color to “Piano Roll > Black Keys > Selected” from the Colorizer Table.

You can also notice the color-coded grid to better identify note length and pitch. Length represented as such here: Orange lines are whole notes divisions, blue lines are quarter notes and yellow lines, eighth notes divisions.

For the pitch a green guide line has been assigned to separate octaves from each other and a red line to quickly locate the missing semitone between E and F. More vibrancy and opacity can be added to the line colors, but here I think it blends very well and doesn’t upstage the velocity color of the midi notes.


Midi Transform

If you find the Start/End points blue color is not bright enough, go to Windows > Transform Editor > Map Graph. Changing the background can help to if you wish to keep the blue endpoints.

Dark Background
White end points

Track/Project Notes

Colored notes on grey background isn’t working well. Alternatively change the background to white and write in black and colors.


Region Colors

More diversity to your region colors!

Region Colorized

I have made a theme implementing all these little tweaks, I invite you to download it here.

Visit our facebook page, for other color tips and tricks using Logic in combination with LPX Colorizer.

