Can These Silent Signs Tell Him I’m Interested in Him?


My world in the office is full of spreadsheets and deadlines, punctuated by the occasional break from the printer waiting for it to churn out printed documents.

Despite these daily rhythms, my life always performs a tap dance everytime Ethan walks by. Ethan is our graphic designer with a smile that could disarm a dragon and eyes that held the warmth of a summer sunset. Ethan is the melody that makes my heart compose lyrics and songs.

Our interactions are as routine as the office coffee machine — polite exchanges about work, the occasional shared joke over a failed print job. But deep within me, I yearned for more from him, my stomach fluttered every time our fingers brushed as we reached for the same stapler, etc. Yet, confessing my feelings felt like jumping from a plane without a parachute.

I planned the following actions to attract his attention but wondered how well these tricks would work on him. I want to deliberately strike up a series of conversations and actively listen to his responses. During the conversations, I will laugh at his jokes and maintain good eye contact with him.

I believe an activity engulfing both of us could breed an atmosphere of excitement and open the door for further interactions between us.

I decided also to use the printer jams to draw his attention to me since I normally suffer these paper jams and he’s the only one well endowed with the requisite skills to clear these occasional paper jams in the printer.

I decided to take a cue from a favorite attraction manual I read some time ago. This is from How to Be Irresistible. I was told to be myself and never try to be somebody I’m not. There were a couple of interesting tips and tricks from their irresistible e-book.

All of a sudden just as if a switch has been turned on in my mind, all the attraction nuggets from that study is crowding my mind and I believe strongly I need to go back and dive deep into that manual and heap up more arsenals up my sleeve in addition to what I already have.

One evening, the office was deserted except for us. As I wrestled with a stubborn printer jam, a familiar voice startled me. “Need a hand, damsel in printer distress?” Ethan chuckled his presence a breath of fresh air in the stale office.

Flustered, I fumbled with the knobs, my cheeks warming under his amused gaze. At that moment, a crazy idea took root.

“There’s a new Italian place around the corner. They have the best steak mind coming along this afternoon?,” I blurted, with my heart hammering a frantic rhythm against my ribs.

To my surprise, Ethan’s smile widened. “best steak, huh? Challenge accepted.”

The lunch was a whirlwind of stolen glances and nervous laughter. Ethan, ever the charmer, regale me with tales of his weekend rock-climbing exploits, his eyes sparkling with an unspoken warmth that made me float on air.

As we walked back to the office, a comfortable silence settled between us, punctuated by the gentle clinking of our coffee cups by the coffee machine — a silent vow to repeat the experience.

Days turned into weeks, and our shared lunches became a highlight. Ethan confided in me about his passion for graphic design, his voice filled with infectious enthusiasm.

I, in turn, discovered a hidden talent for sketching, our evenings spent huddled over sketchpads, a comfortable camaraderie blooming between us.

The biggest question looming on my mind all the time was, is he catching the vibe or is he seeing it as just another office comrade sharing boring moments together? Or maybe he has someone, how do I ask? The more I think through the faster my heart beats against my ribs.

One rainy afternoon, seeking refuge from the downpour, we were forced to share a single umbrella. The scent of his cologne, a mix of citrus and something warm and woodsy, sent a shiver down my spine. His hand brushed against mine as he adjusted his grip, the unexpected contact sending a jolt through me.

Back at the office, the air crackled with a newfound tension. Ethan seemed different, his gaze lingering a beat too long, his smile holding a hint of something more. Was it just wishful thinking, or was there a flicker of reciprocated interest?

What I thought would be the turning point arrived unexpectedly. A major client presentation loomed, and I, the lead presenter, was a bundle of nerves. As I fumbled through my slides, my voice cracking, a supportive hand landed on my shoulder. Ethan’s reassuring smile met my gaze, a silent message of encouragement. His unwavering belief steadied me, and I delivered the presentation flawlessly.

My fear of rejection kept me from confessing my feelings. Our interactions were limited to polite exchanges and occasional lunches and jokes here and there. However, a spark ignited during a shared dinner where we discovered a mutual respect and connection.

Our bond deepened over shared work challenges and late-night brainstorming sessions. A stolen touch, a lingering glance — the unspoken attraction simmered beneath the surface.

Yet, I remained paralyzed, unable to bridge the gap between my heart’s desire and the fear of jeopardizing our friendship. I wished and prayed Ethan would say something that would cement this whole drama but to no avail.

The turning point came unexpectedly when Ethan was chosen for a company course abroad. The news struck me like a bolt of lightning. The looming distance made me realize the depth of my affection and how it’s even going to worsen my plight of ever letting him know I love him. The unspoken words threatened to remain buried forever.

Can I ever say it, when will that be? Will the reaction be the same after distance has eroded the pile of affection we have already built?

On his day of departure, he walked into my office with a mixed feeling, a little worried look but as I smiled he responded with a charming beaming smile that sent my heart racing.

“I came to finally say farewell and thank you for all the wonderful times we spent together,” he said almost apologetically.

I was shocked and perplexed; I knew this time would come but never so soon. I paused momentarily and reclined in my chair, he noticed the look of disappointment on my face, and just before I could say anything he went round my table and came close to where I was sitting.

I got up with a jerk and in a swift moment, we launched into each other’s arm with a cleave that binds us closer than an atomic bond. For the next few moments, we were lost in each other’s arms forgetting about our environment and drifting into dreamland.

With my eyes closed and my chin firmly tucked on his masculine shoulder, I stroke the length of his back caressing the entire space gorgeously and wishing this will never end.

At a point, I believe reality hit him and he gently pulled out a few inches but this brought us facing each other with me staring into those wonderful eyes and in the same swift motion just as we got embraced, he locked my lips with his and we had such a wonderful and tantalizing kissing moment.

We broke away with him still holding my left arm and with a shaky voice he said, “I will surely be in touch”. Without looking again into my eyes he headed for the door.

I sat and recounted the whole incident and came to one conclusion, so, Ethan loves me all this while we have both denied ourselves of this fact and we were only living in a pixel when we could have enjoyed the whole picture.

For a moment, I was dumbfounded and with a pen in hand and doodling on a piece of paper, with my mind far into the past dreaming of all the nice times we could have enjoyed together only if I had been bold enough to speak out. But the question is, why hasn’t he also done the same?

Over the few weeks that passed after he left, I started envisaging my mistakes and how I could make up should I ever have another opportunity of a kind. These are some of the correction clues I gleaned from both my study and my experiences.

The following books from Amazon were also very helpful:

How to be Irresistible and Attractive:

How to Be Irresistible to Men: The Truth Behind Sex, Style, & Seduction

First Date Moves Men Can’t Resist

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Nathan Nortey - Non Apologetic Word Smith

Embark on a journey through the sultry landscape of love, science, and technology. I'm an unapologetic wordsmith and fervent explorer of the heart's desires.