The Cryptocurrency That Will Help to Save The Amazon

Amazonians Green Coin
8 min readSep 22, 2019


Studies conducted by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) conveyed every three days a new species of flora or fauna is discovered in the rainforest. Although there is much to discover, if these damages continue in the next years, an overwhelming area of the Amazon will vanish, taking with it all the riches it holds. The Amazon is so immensely filled with life that it gives a home to more species of primates than in any other place on the planet. One single tree holds a rich diversity of ant species more numerous than species within entire nations. This is merely a tiny fraction of what this rainforest represents.

The Amazon is also considered one of the essential ecosystems fighting for our climate’s balance. However, due to deforestation, scientists estimate that we are all close to the tipping point where the Amazon can no longer function as a carbon sink.

At this moment, EBCF is carrying the title and certification of the first RPDS (Private Reserves of Sustainable Development) ever created in the Amazon rainforest’s history — the AMAZON RIO — located in the Southern region of the state of Amazonas, Brazil. With their new cryptocurrency called AMACOIN, EBCF aims to defend the Amazon and spread its benefits throughout the world — without cutting a single tree.

What is AMACOIN?

AMACOIN is the completion of a journey that started a decade ago, whose mission is to take responsibility and care of nature and the world we all live. It is s a new asset coin which acts as a new blockchain-based cryptocurrency, held by biological assets and sustainable projects. In other words, it will motivate corporates to do something meaningful, creating a positive d impact on the environment and in this case, in the Amazon.

AMACOIN aims to be a unique and innovative means of payment to finance EBCF’s and its UNESCO partners Environmental, Assets, Services, Products, and Businesses.

This cryptocurrency was created to present token holders with an asset-backed token that is held and traded in a value that continuously rises overtime.

The origin of the AMACOIN was possible by converting the title of tangible assets, such as a commodity resource, to a smart asset via the AMACOIN token. This conversion leads to more precise definitions of tradable assets, and it also benefits from the blockchain’s state-of-the-art transparency concerning the natural resource and commodity markets.

Under globally recognized certification standards, the EBCF will enhance the adoption of AMACOINs to anyone who wants to create a better world.

“Our Amazonian coins are not just superficial numbers on a blockchain: they stand for an actual concrete asset within the Amazonian rainforest.

The Amazonian coin assets are the physical alter-ego of the digital network. Part of our ecology will be hard-wired into the technological universe for generations to come.”

- Amazonians Green Coin Whitepaper

The use of this cryptocurrency will encourage the development of new sustainable conservation units, and support forest owners to keep their fields untouched for the benefit of humanity.

The overall goal is focused on decreasing the use of resources, loss and leakage generated; preserving resources and diminishing environmental deterioration. The EBCF is focused on Individuals and Corporates to join this new green economy, which is related to the AMACOIN’s mission.

The AMACOIN will support EBCF’s primary business model thanks to four pillars, which are the following:

  • Environmental — Promoting the conservation of a collection of Amazonian Sustainable Reserves,
  • Climate — REDD+, balancing CO2 emissions within sustainable reserves;
  • Social — Developing sustainable improvement of the local-traditional communities;
  • Economic — Sustainable harvesting of Amazonian non-timber merchandises, Carbon offsetting, CSR & ISR.
  • Through these four pillars, the AMACOIN will give total support to the following activities:
  • Creation of new sustainable conservation units
  • Implementation of Social Projects
  • Environmental Projects
  • Enforcement of Climate Projects
  • Development of Environmental Services
  • Development of Sustainable and Eco-friendly Trading

AMACOIN’s Functions

AMACOIN is designed as a form of payment supported by real tangible assets which are highly marketable natural products, permanent preservation efforts and development, and EBCF Reserve land. EBCF establishes a distinct model for sustainability in Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) through the single donation of tokens that are backed by real-world assets collected or provided in its permitted reserve. Within this area with a total of 200,000 hectares, EBCF sustainably harvests Brazil nuts, Acai berries, and several other non-timber products. By using AMACOIN, these sustainable products can be purchased.

Consumers can possess and transact them within the tokenized method by having responsible private ownership of their digital assets. Each AMACOIN designs an asset, whose derivation is traceable, permanent — with endless existence.

The AMACOIN token is fundamental to the ecosystem as it strengthens the underlying principles which build the platform.

These principles are:

  • Transparent pricing,
  • Set the future market of natural goods;
  • Futures and spot price mechanism;
  • End to end buyer and retailer data;
  • Hedging mechanism for producers; and
  • The democratization of the trade and consumption of products that are produced sustainably.

This intelligent contract/blockchain technology provides a higher supply chain transparency promoting peer-to-peer transactions throughout the world. Having the AMACOIN strategically situated in a growing market economy will fill several gaps for the sector, helping the development of local agriculture and the trade of high-quality, traceable, certified natural products. This will concede AMACOIN to assist suppliers, farmers, and purchasers in furthering the mainstream adoption of natural products as a healthy alternative to the oversaturated drugs accessible on the market, which are generally connected with long-term side effects.

Some examples of smart contract/blockchain use within the AMACOIN ecosystem involve:

  • Blockchain confirmation of sustainable products used in the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical trades. Example: an interface for doctors to approve merchants and political leaders verifying payments in AMACOINs. Each verification has a small fee.
  • Supply chain transparency: By tracking and tracing activity logs, transfers, authorizations, security concerns (for instance, who manages, expiration of decomposable items such as food), and others.
  • Simultaneous interaction of multiple apps with any piece of data saved in the blockchain.
  • Share a document through smart contracts: Contracts go hand in hand with purchase orders. Every time conditions vary, rules vary, or the availability varies. This way, the contract can be automatically corrected.
  • Promotion of peer-to-peer transactions throughout the world.
  • Safe transference of assets: Note the number of assets such as pallets, trailers, containers, as they move between supply chain nodes.
  • Track purchase orders: change orders, receipts, cargo notifications, or other trade-related documents as required.
  • Assign or check certifications or specific properties of physical products: For instance, concluding if a food product is an organic or fair trade; if it was sourced sustainably; knowing which are the amounts of the active ingredient, and more.
  • Connect physical goods to consecutive numbers, barcodes, digital tags like RFID, and more.

Rainforest Conservation

Being a new blockchain cryptocurrency backed by sustainable initiatives and biological assets, AMACOIN follows the same values as EBCF, and it’s focused on the Amazon Rainforest conservation.

This cryptocurrency is meant to finance environmental projects in the rainforest, resulting in effectively turning corporate social responsibility from a cost into a tradable asset on their balance sheet.

Biodiversity Protection

Company commitments around reducing deforestation or emissions have potential implications for offsetting the following:

  • Pledges to decrease or eradicate deforestation from sourcing key commodities such as soy, timber, or palm oil. Up to this time, the Forest Trends’ Supply Change initiative has tracked 447 companies that created zero-deforestation commitments around their commodity sourcing.
  • Two hundred sixty-two companies have committed to science-based emissions reductions targets; meanings set goals to focus on keeping global temperature below 2 degrees Celsius. As these companies seek to keep their words, they turn to offset other measures to diminish their carbon footprint.

Sustainable Development of Local Communities

The power of AMACOIN lies in its ability to be used by businesses converting their corporate social responsibility initiatives from an expense into a liquid balance sheet asset appreciating over time while reporting to the market. It offers corporations a venue to give real value and provide a new dialogue with consumers and stakeholders where they are involved. s. Overall, it is a legitimate way to invest and nominate projects to receive blockchain-guaranteed support.

The valuation of AMACOIN tokens against asset reserves is understandable and based on accepted standards. As the AMACOIN token evolves, the company will further commit to the sustainable growth of the local communities of the territory of Amazon Rio.

CO2 emissions reduction

Applying the blockchain technology within its entire potential means that it needs a system that encourages sustainable and eco-friendly behavior to stop the devastation of the Amazon rainforest. Hence, it will guarantee the decline of CO2 emissions and, offset over 3 million tons of CO2 emissions within the Amazon Rio Private Reserve.

The United Nations formed the REDD+ (Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) mechanism to quantify and rate the carbon storage services that forests present. By turning forests into valuable sources when intact, instead of destroyed, REDD+ gives forest communities and developing countries a new, sustainable, low-carbon pathway to economic evolution. This mechanism enables credits to be exchanged via traditional brokers and people. It differs from the mandatory compliance market that comes with a limited amount of carbon offset, which is regulated by government schemes. Concerned organizations and residents drive the voluntary carbon offset market with voluntary standards. In 2016, the total transacted volume in the voluntary carbon offset market was 63.4 MtCO2 emission — a total value of 191.3M USD.

REDD offsets/credits were the most usual transacted voluntary offset over the past decade. In 2014, REDD projects exceeded historical demand for wind offsets in negotiating a total of 87 MtCO2 emissions. REDD projects were the top-selling offset project type in 2013 and 2014, and the only wind was more significant than REDD in terms of the amount transacted in 2015. REDD held high standard prices in 2015, receiving more value than wind at 37.5M USD despite the lower sales volume. REDD — Growing Demand REDD and wind offsets have existed in approximately the same quantities over time with REDD having higher average prices. The demand for REDD offsets accelerated after the Bali climate negotiations, in 2007, brought REDD to the international stage with the expectation that demand would offset market compliance.

Although costs were affordable, the market volume reduced in 2016The overall volume of carbon offsets purchased and marketed on the voluntary carbon markets dropped 24 percent in 2016 from the year before. A total of 63.4 million tons of carbon dioxide were registered, compared to 84.1 MtCO2 emissions traded in 2015, making a total of 191.3M USD. Costs remained extremely variable and varied based on special project place, standard, project type, or other qualities. Prices fluctuated from less than 0.50 USD/tCO2 emissions to more than 50 USD/tCO2 emissions. For instance, wind offsets from Asia were bought and sold at an average of 0.70 USD/tCO2 emissions, while afforestation/reforestation offsets from Africa were transacted at an average of 6.70 USD/tCO2 emissions. The standard price amongst all transactions was 3.00 USD/tCO2 emissions. In general, the prices were more moderate on higher volumes traded.

You can also participate!

Some researchers estimate that by the year 2050, temperatures in the Amazon rainforest will rise between 2 and 3°C. By combining this with the decrease in rainfall and deforestation, the Amazon rainforest may be in serious risk of transforming into a dry savanna. The fall of thousands of trees, through human deforestation, is only expected to advance this process.

Cryptocurrency and the Financial Instrument are intended to serve as a payment method to finance EBCF and its UNESCO partners Environmental Assets, Services, Products, and Businesses. By using AMACOIN, we shift the course of all the destructive actions that lead the Amazon to vanish. We begin benefiting from its precious goods without harming the rainforest, and at the same time, help communities while fighting climate change.



Amazonians Green Coin

The Amazonians Green Coin (AMACOIN) is a new cryptocurrency that supports sustainable initiatives and biological assets. Learn more —