Improving order fulfillment in Doordash — A UX Case Study

How might we create a better verification method for orders to prevent cancellations (for example, when items are out of stock)?

Amber Frank
6 min readAug 29, 2020

Note: The following is an exercise for a graduate-level course. I am not affiliated with DoorDash in any way.

Project Overview

Overview: A design proposal for DoorDash that improves the ordering experience when an item is unavailable.

Solution: An added feature to the app which improves (1) updating orders after they are placed, (2) adjusting orders on-the-fly, and (3) communication between customers and merchants.

Timeline: 8 weeks

My Role (Solo Project): User Research, Wireframing, User Experience Design, Interface Design

Tools: Figma, Pen and Paper

Problem Statement

DoorDash is currently the #1 Food Delivery App in the App Store, yet the user experience still falls short in many areas. During user interviews conducted prior to the start of this project, feedback from customers, Dashers, and merchants highlighted consistent issues that affected all parties involved in the ordering process.



Amber Frank

Visual Designer at T R I M Agency // Grad student studying UX Design at MICA.