Katie Britt’s Phony Fundie Baby Voice: What That Whole Performance Was Supposed to Tell Us

Amber Wardell, Ph.D
5 min readMar 10, 2024

I purposely stayed away from Katie Britt’s response to the State of the Union address for days. I’ve got a lot of cool shit happening in my life right now. I just don’t need another Conservative Darling with a blow out interrupting my peace to tell me how lost our nation is. But last night, I made time.

And all I could think was, what a fucking shit show.

Listen, my problem isn’t with Katie Britt. My issue is with the Republican Party that curated every detail of that performance to evoke feelings of conservative, white, Christian nostalgia from a time when women knew their place. It was designed to look “off the cuff,” like she just set up her camera and recorded from right there in her kitchen. But the entire thing was highly manufactured.

They positioned her in a perfectly clean, minimal beige kitchen. Her green shirt was meant to symbolize hope, harmony, and mutual respect. Importantly, the absence of any red colors (representing the Republican Party) was likely intentional, meant to make viewers believe that her nearly twenty-minute performance wasn’t about politics but “kitchen table conversations” that all Americans need to have.

Speaking of, did you happen to notice how many times she mentioned her kitchen

