Are you searching for an affordable Web Hosting?

Amber Hunt
3 min readFeb 28, 2017


Everyone is interested in website hosting these days and they want a low cost affordable solution for doing web hosting. Read the article how you can get low cost web hosting.

Web hosting, if we talk in simple terms is just a hard drive which is connected to internet that stores all the information related to your website. There are many types of web hosting that can be done like shared, VPS, and dedicated. The web hosting can be paid or free. There are many sites that offer free web hosting. But their results are not much reliable.

So, when look out for a low-cost web hosting for your small business, then you shouldn’t go for free web server that offers web hosting. Then the best option for you is Shared hosting solution. Shared hosting is the easiest and affordable way to get your site online. This is better than those offering best free web hosting and with this web hosting your website is put on the server that it shares with other websites. The cost of single server is shared among all the websites sharing that server, therefor making it affordable.

When you are starting your website, then shared hosting is the ideal platform. But it has some limitations of its own. Below are the three main benefits and limitations of the shared hosting solution that you should keep in mind before using or implementing it:


· It is the most affordable and best website hosting solution available.

· It is quick, so getting your site live is easy.

· Maintenance and updates of the server are managed by the host.


· Here your resources are shared with others like storage or bandwidth.

· If one website on the server faces issues, then your website will also be affected.

· The downtime is higher in shared hosting than any other hosting.

These potential limitations are necessary to be discussed with your web host to make sure that your site is up and is available for your customers every time with minimal downtime as possible.

For many people, only the benefits associated with Shared Hosting solution is important. They only give importance to the benefits and limitations for them are of least importance. They don’t think about the limitations of the Shared hosting solution and at times this may give them some trouble also like their site is affected by the issues of the other sites sharing the server or they have share the bandwidth and storage space with other sites which might be not of much importance. Shared hosting is the best website hosting solution or service and in most of the cases is fully managed by the web host. You will still have the control on your website. You will be given access of an easy to use control panel where you will be able to upload your site and create email accounts. If you don’t have time or don’t know how to manage your own website hosting, then shared hosting solution is perfect for you. It is also perfect for small businesses, blogs, and personal sites.

