How The Website Success Relies On The Web Host?

Amber Hunt
3 min readSep 8, 2016


It is extremely crucial to choose the best web hosting for your business website and you should make all the efforts to get this right in the first time. As the owner of a business, you need your website up and running in an impeccable condition at all times, which many web hosting companies’ claims, but fail to deliver when it actually matters.

You will find many web hosting companies claiming that they offer 99% of the uptime, but you should check into the details and find out, whether they are telling the truth or is it just another method to lure the people towards their ‘far away from reality’ services. Your main purpose is to make money, isn’t it? And, to fulfil this motive, you need a business with a good reputation and a countless number of customers. So, you can see an interconnection between these three things to the web hosting company.

If not, then let me explain it to you. You want to make money and this can only happen, if you have customers who will buy the products or services displayed on your website. Now, this can only be made possible, if they have a positive outlook about your site, which can only come, if you have a good reputation. In order to build a good reputation, your website needs to perform in a flawless manner, which is only possible, if the webhosting service is providing blue-chip services. This is how all these things are interconnected. Therefore, it is important for you to choose the right web hosting company, as it has a huge role to play in the success of your business. I have outlined five essential points that you have to consider, if you really want to turn the services provided by the web hosting service into your success.

1. Adequate Resources For Your Needs

It is vital for you to make sure that the web hosting free service has all the requirements that you need for the particular situation. These include a number of things, such as control panel, bandwidth, disk space, email accounts with auto-responder, security, data backup and spam guards. You have to assess the resources, as they will provide you with the information you need to make the appropriate decision.

2. Security Measures Taken

You should pay close attention to this point in order to avoid any major issues later on. You will find a number of free web server that don’t have appropriate screening and protection against all kinds of spammers and scammers. This could lead to major security issues, not just to the business website, but your personal security as well. Your online success is heavily dependent on the efficient security of your website, therefore you have to choose the right host in order save your website from any outside threats.

3. Costing

It is not as critical as the above mentioned two points, but you need to pay some attention towards the packages offered by the web hosting company. You want the best web hosting services, but you can’t go beyond your budget, so try to find a web hosting that provides a wide array of services at affordable cost. Some companies are charging $5 per month for free web hosting sites, so you can get your website hosted on such websites.

4. Maintenance and Backup Policy

You must know all the details about the maintenance costs and backup policies of the company. Companies with good reputation will have stringent backup policies along with low downtime for maintenance purpose. The most important thing that you need is an assurance that your data is backed up efficiently before the commencement of maintenance. This will save your data from getting evaporated in the virtual world.

5. Easy Installation Of Crucial Resources

It is important for you to make sure that the free WordPress hosting company provides you with an easy control panel operation. This becomes extremely important if you are planning to install WordPress blogs, Drupal, JOOMLA or any of the popular resources that are used today. Most of the applications are installed with a single mouse click on the hosting services.

A reliable webhost can do wonders for you, and the above mentioned points are the ingredients that make a company reliable, so don’t overlook those points while choosing the web hosting company.

