Small Business Web Hosting Reviews

Amber Hunt
4 min readMar 16, 2017


If want to make your online presence strong enough to be recognized by the daily or frequent viewers, then you need to do web hosting and most importantly choose the right web hosting company.

If you want your online business to thrive, then you need to do the correct choice for the web hosting. You will need to choose a reliable and best website hosting company. Your only priority should not be the creation of a good content for the website. You must also put emphasis on a good web host as your website will be dependent on it for loading the pages fast. Choosing the wrong webhost can affect your online business negatively and can cause your revenue to drop.

The first step in shopping or choosing for a web hosting service is to write down a list of the features that you need. Don’t get excited by advertisement of the best free web hosting companies as these could be misleading too and can put you in trouble rather than giving you any kind of benefit. Next thing that you need to do is to find a web hosting company that offers web hosting plan that contains the features on your list. Many people are in rush to sign up with the company that has the top ten views without doing any further or enough research.

No matter what company you choose for web hosting but you should do its background check and determine the time of its operation. For reading the reviews of any company you go to the small business website hosting review site. Many of these reviews sites conduct research on the uptime of different web hosting companies and publish their downtime statistics. What is important is to choose the company with the best uptime statistics. It is not possible for any web host to give 100 percent uptime, but they should have the track record of offering at least 99 percent of uptime.

If you rely on your site for making money, then it must be available and accessible to customers all the time so that they can shop continuously without any interruption. Low uptime will cause pages to load slow and cause your prospective customers to shop at your competitor’s site. When your site is continuously down, it will drop your ranking as well. The recommended uptime for any web hosting plan that you are considering to sign up is 99.99%.

It is very important to choose the right web hosting plan that will offer you an adequate amount of resources for your website. If the plan has no or little disk space or bandwidth, you can easily exceed the limit and results in your account will be suspended. When your hosting is suspended, it will have a bad impact on your website as it will be down.

Additionally, you need to consider dome more factors as well like the number of email accounts that you need to create for your domain, number of domains that you want to host, and an e-commerce feature. Unlimited hosting is a type of shared hosting that does not states its disk space share and bandwidth. But it does not mean that it can accommodate huge amount of website traffic and website file storage.

If you are getting notices from your web hosting provider to upgrade, then it means that you are coming to resources limit and you should go for an upgradation.

You should pay too much emphasis on the cost of web hosting. Standard shared hosting plan is suitable for the sites that receive small amount of website traffic. If your site is having a huge amount of traffic, then it is advisable to invest in VPS or a dedicated hosting plan. Even though it will be expensive, but it will have a positive approach towards your website in the long term.

The best way is to sign up with a company that gives the ability to scale. It means that you will be able to upgrade to the higher plan to accommodate the expansion of your website. The unlimited resources provided by the shared hosting is not so real. Try to avoid for going for free web hosting as these may not be that much beneficial to you and your business. The real web hosting company will also offer the customer support.

