10 Crucial Life Lessons About Growing up From the Little Prince

Amber Lim
12 min readJul 16, 2018

The Little Prince is a children’s book written for adults. To a child, grown-ups and their funny way of thinking can be perplexing. Children wouldn’t understand why certain adults would spend the time to do something grown ups think of as a “matter of consequence,” and then the grown-up would proceed to justify their actions with again another assortment of baffling reasons, and lastly, accuse the child for not being grown up enough to comprehend their merited motivations behind their actions.

This book may be written in a way that doesn’t seem to make sense for people who seek to read it only for the story instead of what it is trying to convey; but for people whose intentions is to empathize and connect with the book and the little prince, there will be, before their eyes, a feast of hidden knowledge and values injected in every chapter of the book.

Grown-ups are portrayed as abstract and crazy people in the book. Their actions–though exaggerated in the book — directly correlate to adults today. They search and search, yet they do not know what they’re looking for. They drown themselves in work, vanity, domination, drinking, and their own comfort zone. This is evident in adults today. They work night and day, and ultimately, when asked what they’re trying to accomplish, they would then give a lecture on the…



Amber Lim

My dad stopped telling us bedtime stories since a long time ago. Now I write them because I miss them.