Regularization in Machine Learning

7 min readAug 21, 2023


Regularization in machine learning is a set of techniques designed to prevent overfitting and enhance the generalization ability of a model. Overfitting occurs when a model learns to perform exceptionally well on the training data but fails to perform well on new, unseen data. Regularization methods introduce additional constraints or penalties to the learning process to ensure that the model does not become overly complex and is better suited for making accurate predictions on new data.”


Let’s discuss some common regularization techniques:

L1 regularization: also known as Lasso (Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator), is a technique used in machine learning to prevent overfitting and improve the generalization of models, especially linear regression models. It does this by adding a penalty term to the loss function that is proportional to the absolute values of the model’s coefficients. The main goal of L1 regularization is to encourage the model to generate sparse solutions by driving some coefficients to become exactly zero.

Mathematically, in the context of linear regression, the goal is to find the coefficients (weights) w that minimize the sum of squared errors between the predicted values and the actual target values while taking into account the penalty term.

The term in the loss function encourages smaller coefficients by penalizing large absolute values of the coefficients. When the optimization algorithm minimizes this combined loss, it tries to find a balance between minimizing the prediction error and keeping the sum of the absolute values of the coefficients low.

One of the key characteristics of L1 regularization is that it can lead to feature selection. As the value of λ increases, more coefficients are driven to zero, effectively excluding some features from the model. This can be very useful when dealing with high-dimensional datasets where many features might not contribute significantly to the predictive power of the model. L1 regularization can help in simplifying the model by identifying and using only the most relevant features.

L2 regularization: L2 regularization, also known as Ridge regularization, is a technique used in machine learning to prevent overfitting and improve the generalization performance of models. It achieves this by adding a penalty term to the loss function that is proportional to the sum of the squared values of the model’s coefficients. This penalty encourages the model to have smaller coefficient values, which in turn helps prevent the model from becoming overly complex and sensitive to noise in the training data.

Mathematically, in the context of linear regression, the goal is to find the coefficients (weights) w that minimize the sum of squared errors between the predicted values and the actual target values while considering the L2 penalty.

The term​ in the loss function adds a penalty proportional to the sum of squared coefficients. This encourages the optimization algorithm to minimize both the prediction error and the size of the coefficients. As a result, the model is pushed towards using smaller coefficients, which can help avoid overfitting by reducing the impact of individual features that might contribute little to the model’s overall performance.

L2 regularization does not lead to exact feature selection like L1 regularization. Instead, it encourages all features to contribute to the prediction, but with a diminished impact for those with smaller coefficients. This can lead to more stable and well-behaved models, especially when dealing with multicollinearity (high correlation) among features.

Elastic Net regularization: Elastic Net regularization is a combination of L1 regularization (Lasso) and L2 regularization (Ridge) techniques in machine learning. It is designed to mitigate the limitations of each individual method by providing a balance between feature selection and coefficient shrinkage. Elastic Net is particularly useful when dealing with datasets that have high dimensionality and potential multicollinearity (high correlation) among features.

The Elastic Net regularization adds a penalty term to the loss function that is a linear combination of the L1 and L2 penalty terms. The objective is to achieve the benefits of both L1 and L2 regularization while mitigating their drawbacks.

There are two penalty terms λ1​ and λ2 in Elastic Net regularization ​​, represent the L1 and L2 penalties, respectively. By adjusting the values of λ1​ and λ2​, we can control the relative contribution of L1 and L2 regularization to the overall penalty. When λ1​=0, Elastic Net becomes equivalent to L2 regularization, and when λ2​=0, it becomes equivalent to L1 regularization.

Elastic Net strikes a balance between feature selection and coefficient shrinkage. It encourages some coefficients to become exactly zero (feature selection) while also encouraging other coefficients to be small and evenly distributed (coefficient shrinkage). This makes Elastic Net more robust when there are highly correlated features, as Lasso can sometimes choose one feature over another arbitrarily when they are correlated, while Elastic Net can include both to some degree.

Dropout: Dropout is a regularization technique used primarily in neural networks to prevent overfitting and improve the generalization performance of the model. It involves temporarily “dropping out” (deactivating) a random subset of neurons during each training iteration. This prevents any single neuron from becoming overly specialized and reduces the risk of the network relying too heavily on specific features.

The core idea behind dropout is to simulate the training of multiple neural networks in parallel, each missing some of its neurons. This helps the network learn more robust and distributed representations of the input data. Dropout can be thought of as a form of ensemble learning, where different “sub-networks” are trained for each iteration.

Here’s how dropout works:

  1. During Training: During each training iteration, a random subset of neurons (and their corresponding connections) is “dropped out” with a certain probability. This means that their outputs are set to zero, and they don’t contribute to the forward pass or backward pass of that iteration.
  2. During Testing/Prediction: During testing or when making predictions, all neurons are active, but their outputs are scaled down by the dropout probability that was used during training. This ensures that the expected value of the output remains consistent between training and testing.

The dropout technique effectively regularizes the model by preventing any single neuron from becoming a dominant feature detector. This encourages neurons to work together and learn more robust, generalized features.

It’s important to note that dropout is typically applied only during training. When the model is used for making predictions, all neurons are active, but their outputs are scaled to compensate for the dropout probability.

Early stopping: Early stopping is a regularization technique used to prevent overfitting in machine learning models, especially in iterative optimization algorithms like gradient descent. It involves monitoring the performance of the model on a separate validation dataset during training and stopping the training process when the model’s performance on the validation set starts to degrade.

The primary assumption behind early stopping is that as a model learns during training, its performance on the training data typically improves. However, if the model starts to overfit, its performance on the validation data might begin to worsen, indicating that it’s starting to memorize noise in the training data rather than capturing general patterns. Early stopping leverages this insight to avoid training a model for too long, thereby preventing overfitting.

The model obtained at the point of early stopping (i.e., when the best validation performance is achieved) is often selected as the final model. This is because it is assumed to have achieved the best trade-off between training data fit and generalization to new data.

Early stopping provides a practical way to prevent overfitting without the need to fine-tune regularization parameters. It offers an alternative to manually tuning parameters like L1 or L2 regularization strength, dropout rate, etc.

Batch Normalization: Batch Normalization is a technique used in neural networks to improve training stability and convergence by normalizing the inputs of each layer. It helps alleviate common problems that arise during training, such as vanishing gradients and slow convergence, by normalizing the activations of each layer in a mini-batch of data.

The core idea behind Batch Normalization is to transform the inputs of each layer so that they have a standard normal distribution (mean = 0, variance = 1) during training. This normalization process is performed per mini-batch of data, and it introduces learnable parameters to scale and shift the normalized values. The scaling and shifting allow the network to recover the representation power of the original data if needed.

Steps involved in Batch Normalization :

  1. Normalization: For each mini-batch of data during training, Batch Normalization calculates the mean and variance of the activations for each feature. It then normalizes the activations by subtracting the mean and dividing by the square root of the variance.
  2. Scaling and Shifting: After normalization, the normalized activations are scaled by a learnable parameter (γ) and shifted by another learnable parameter (β). This step allows the network to adapt the normalized activations to better suit the specific task and data distribution.
  3. Backpropagation: During backpropagation, the gradients are computed with respect to the normalized activations, scaled by γ and shifted by β. These gradients are then used to update the network’s weights.
  4. Testing: During testing or inference, the model typically uses population statistics (overall mean and variance) instead of mini-batch statistics. This ensures that the model’s behavior remains consistent during inference.

Batch Normalization has become a standard component in many neural network architectures and has played a significant role in improving the training and generalization capabilities of deep networks.

Conclusion: These regularization techniques can be used individually or in combination, depending on the characteristics of the problem and the specific model being used. The choice of regularization method often depends on the trade-off between bias and variance, and it can be guided by experimentation and validation on unseen data. Regularization plays a crucial role in building models that are both accurate and robust. It helps strike a balance between fitting the training data well and avoiding excessive complexity, ultimately leading to models that generalize better and perform reliably on new, unseen data.

Hey there, Amazing Readers! I hope this article jazzed up your knowledge about Regularization techniques, their types, and applications. Thanks for taking the time to read this.




A data science enthusiast with an insatiable curiosity for uncovering the hidden stories within complex datasets.