Ambika Nagbhujange
3 min readMay 11, 2023


The Green Children of Woolpit is a fascinating and mysterious story that has captured the imagination of people for centuries. This tale is set in the small village of Woolpit, located in Suffolk, England, and it tells the story of two children who appeared in the village with green skin and spoke an unknown language.

The story goes that in the 12th century, during the reign of King Stephen, two children were discovered in a field by some workers from Woolpit. These children had green skin and spoke an unknown language. They wore unfamiliar clothes and appeared to be lost or abandoned. The villagers took the children in and tried to care for them, but they refused to eat any food except for raw beans. Over time, the children learned English and told their story.

According to the children, they came from a place called St. Martin's Land, where everything was green. They had been tending to their father's cattle when they came across a cave. They followed the sounds of bells and found themselves in a strange land where the sun never shone and everything was dark. They wandered through the darkness until they came upon the entrance to another cave, which led them to the fields of Woolpit.

The children eventually adapted to life in Woolpit and lost their green coloration. The boy grew up and became a farmer, while the girl married a man from King's Lynn and moved away from the village. Their origins and the truth behind their green skin remain a mystery to this day.

The Green Children of Woolpit story has been retold and reimagined countless times in literature, art, and popular culture. Some historians believe that the story is based on a real event, while others think that it is purely fictional. Regardless of its origins, the story has captured the imagination of people for centuries and continues to be a fascinating tale of mystery and wonder.

One possible explanation for the green children is that they may have suffered from a rare medical condition known as Hypochromic Anemia. This condition causes a person's skin to take on a greenish hue, and it is often accompanied by other symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, and poor appetite. However, this theory remains speculative, and there is no conclusive evidence to support it.

Another possible explanation is that the children may have been refugees or immigrants from a foreign land, speaking an unknown language. This theory is supported by the fact that there were many refugees and immigrants in England during the 12th century, due to the political and social upheavals of the time.

Whatever the truth behind the story may be, the Green Children of Woolpit remain an intriguing and enigmatic part of English folklore. Their mysterious origins and green skin have captured the imaginations of people for centuries, and their tale continues to inspire wonder and curiosity to this day.

Ambika Nagbhujange

Experienced content writer and blogger with a passion for crafting compelling and informative content.