Dear Nigerians, I believe in You.

Oreoluwa Shonibare
4 min readOct 1, 2022

Against all odds, I believe in Nigeria. I also know that a better Nigeria will take many years to build. Like a journey of a thousand steps, it all starts with the first step in the right direction. Good Leadership is one scalable solution that needs to begin this journey. It’s the first step of many, but it has to happen for others to follow.

My faith in Nigerians is stronger than my faith in Nigeria. I am confident in our ability to solve problems, to fight for what we want. We see this every day, we see Nigerians go against all odds and requirements to find greener pasture. We see Nigerians do their best every day to survive through the concrete soil on which we stand. We see Nigerians be world-class from toxic roots. We know of Nigerians that have built the unachievable in an unimaginable environment. In every place, every industry, and every sport, every field, Nigerians fight regardless. But now we must fight for more, we must fight for the soul of our nation. We must fight for more than survival, we must fight for a future we can thrive in — for a better Nigeria.

For a better Nigeria, we would need better leadership. Bad leadership was the basis on which Nigeria was destroyed, and the only basis on which it would be rebuilt. Leadership can inspire a collective to be better or worse. Over the past couple of years, we have experienced what is the worst type of leadership. One that is self-serving and has no regard for those it leads.One that is driven by agendas and no genuine thought of its own citizens. Unfortunately, this type of leadership is not limited to the current individuals in power or their political party. This type of leadership sees the youths and the masses as tools for agendas. It is music only to the ears of the privileged and powerful. A leadership that will never birth a future that the average Nigerian can thrive in.

We need a new type of leadership is what we need in Nigeria. This leadership would not be perfect, but it would be intentional in the right direction. Better leadership is not characterized by a younger age group, a different ethnicity, or religion. It is characterized by a different approach to leadership. Leadership that sees people as people, worthy of an environment created for their growth and development. One that is not driven by divisive agendas but by developmental goals.

A better type of leadership is not only attainable but available in Nigeria. I’m hopeful about the country turning around with this type of leadership, but I know it can take a lifetime even with the right leadership. I have taken the steps towards getting my PVC ahead of 2023 with the full intention to vote. However, voting in a new type of leadership would take your vote and more. It would take strategic thinking and intentional actions. It would take Nigerians everywhere in the world.

Yes, there has been a massive exodus since the #ENDSARS massacre, but we can learn a lesson from the likes of Ogbeni Dipo and other influencers of this failed government. Influence is powerful, and you do not have to be in the country to influence the outcome of a national election. Regardless of our location, one thing we all have is an influence on our networks. A network that we can nurture and educate to support the right type of leadership. Power is hardly ever taken easily from a wicked and incompetent group.

Influence is powerful, and you do not have to be in the country to influence the outcome of a national election.

If you see Candidates with the right type of leadership Nigeria needs. I beg you to vocally go out for this candidate not only with your votes but also with your influence. Not because these candidates are perfect, but because they are a better fit to put us in the right direction. Nigeria needs to go in the right direction now more than ever.

2023 is the turn for Better Leadership for the people. When you find the right leadership, I hope you obey your heart. I hope you share the options with your friends. I also hope we educate people about the type of leadership Nigeria needs as much as we can. Your influence is as important as your PVC, use it in 2023.

I believe in Nigeria, but even more in Nigerians.

Happy Independence Nigeria, I pray for independence from the type of leadership that has plagued us for this long.

I believe in Nigeria, but even more in Nigerians; Let us get the right leadership in the 2023 election.

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